@Seattle Kraken

Jeff Paterson on Horvat walking back his comments, Pettersson’s quest for 100 points, Hughes’ speech

Our #Canucks reporter Jeff Paterson dives into the long weekend games for the team, Bo Horvat’s comments about the atmosphere at Rogers Arena and whether that was directed to ownership or not, Elias Pettersson’s quest for 100 points, and whether Quinn Hughes’ post-game speech on Saturday was further evidence that he’s captain material. #NHL #Hockey #VancouverCanucks

Presented by @rinkwidevancouver & @BodogEuCanada (

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  1. Bo got lucky this year playing loosy goosy in a weak pacific division under bodreau previous 6 years 15-20 goals
    He will never get that many playing for a trap islanders team and a much tougher stingery east conf

  2. Elias not signing with vancouver you can tell with his body language he is never happy 😂

  3. Honestly I hate watching fans dump on Horvat. He was a very, very popular – hard working, always improving and respectful captain. He always led by example. This ain’t Kessler folks. Calm down. If I was him I’d also be pissed that I was traded after spending 8-9 years in a city and seeing nearly zero playoff chases.

  4. when the Canucks rid themselves of Woke Bo it was the end of the player leadership group that led the BLM game cancellations. Not sorry to see him go, what he says or does in New York does not matter.

  5. It wasn't a dig st the fans. Think about it….. he took a team friendly contract to allow for bennings bullshit plan, and had to answer nightly. That's bunk. He went through the same thing we all did, if not more. Give the dude a break. The canucks are feed for years because of the last ten years.

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