@Toronto Maple Leafs

Powerchair Hockey #StayAtHomeChallenge

While the whole world is battling the Covid-19 pandemic, the Powerchair Hockey movement challenging each others to a #PowerchairHockey #StayAtHomeChallenge!
We love it!
#StayHome and #StaySafe!
Videos by: Maarten Claes, Bob Gotz, Manuel Giuge, Ion Jignea, Samuel Marcon, Kenny Verbraekel, Sara Granada Aguilella, Louis Junior Nees, Dick Cochius, Jörg Diehl, Anneke Vanheusden, Olga Ulrich, Rob Reichgett, Giovanni Camponesco, Stijn Van Zon, Stanislav Cimpa, Berrie Hommel, Atso Ahonen, Tjerk Kraus, Matthias Vanhove, Veronica Conceicao, Alexander Pedersen, Raphael Bachmann, Max Ellis & Richard Goudswaard

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