@St. Louis Blues

Fight Camp Episode 3 FIGHT NIGHT

Logan Brown fight camp episode 3 – FIGHT NIGHT!

This is what everyone’s been waiting for. Logan Brown’s fight

Sanctum Forge:
Rigs Recovery:
On Demand Tees:
Silver Ink Art:


  1. I LOVE that you still put this out despite 1 – getting dropped and 2 – not getting the decision you would've wanted, boxing is a tough sport man. You've lost so much weight and did a great job, massive props. You were losing the basics a bit because of the heat of the fight, it happens, you just need to drill more and spar more! Great vid.

  2. Much respect brother…keep up…learn from it and go to the next level… and it's not a loss it's a valuable lesson that shines the light on holes in your game plan…im a big fan of Mike amd peekaboo boxing style…
    Stamina work on it…guards down take it back up…work the body Logan amd go up…more bobbing and weaving…create angles through shifts…wish you all the best man

  3. Hello logan u did very brother in that weight u done a great job and know next time u will win just work on difence

  4. I give you credit bro…this shit is hard to do all that practice and combos went out the window in a real fight …you just went for it lol all plans out the window

  5. Uce just wanted to congratulate you on taking that step and it was unfortunate you couldn’t get the W. Great experience nonetheless considering your starting point. Good luck in the future, will be following intently.

  6. Props to you brother ✊🏾💪🏾 first fight plus younger opponent and SOUTHPAW!! It's one thing to train for a fight but when you haven't trained to fight a southpaw it changes the whole mechanics. Much respect brother keep doing what you love. Blessings in JESUS Powerful name Yeshua Hamashiach AMEN

  7. What an inspiration Logan. That was quite the war you guys went through. I hope you keep going brother!’

  8. You did extremely well Logan very nice hits you gave and you took very good hits as well and you got up! Awesome!

  9. 🥊Awesome!!!!!!!.
    Made my day finally seeing this fight after years of watching this channel.
    Great job!

  10. I lost my first amateur fight yesterday. Once I stepped in the ring my brain shut off and I didnt do a single one of the things I trained for and I was capable of. I fought at 20% of my abilities. I wasn't scared or anything similar, I just wasn't there mentally. At the end of the three rounds my opponent was exhausted and I wasn't even tired because I never really got into the fight. I didn't even take big shots or anything, I can't really explain what happened. He took initiative on every exchange and threw more punches so he won. I regularly spar with guys much better and I performed so poorly anyway. I basically wasted all of my training and I feel really ashamed. I'll try to approach the defeat like you did, thank you

  11. You're an inspiration Logan! Love seeing this. Much respect to you brother. Looking forward to watching you continue this journey, keep it up!

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