@Philadelphia Flyers

Bigot Ivan Provorov Is Too Insecure To Wear A Rainbow Warmup Jersey

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  1. provorov a real man, he has not offended anyone with his actions and words, and those who condemn him are real homophobes

  2. If he doesn't want to wear anything related to the LBTQ community, he shouldn't have to. It's his choice. It's hard to tell who's worse sometimes. The right or you (plural)

  3. This show is terrible . Your opinions are just insane and simply bad . I normally don't comment on videos … dumbfounded by this hate towards another human because he don't agree with your views about a certian topic . Shameful .

  4. The joke used to be: How do you stop an Italian wedding? Concrete's Here! Now it's: How do you stop a wedding? Cancels Culture here!

    This is a great example of Marxist Frankfurt School critical theory attacking people again for having an opinion other than the television. Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno created 'critical theory' for this purpose in the 1930's and I swear kids today think they are practicing 'critical thinking'. No two things could be further from the truth kids. The newest generations are so confused. It all comes from German Idealism, like our education system. Its all a fraud. Americans wanting to keep their country best get to know those two, and their story.

    And, God forbid he's Russian Orthodox(!) That's when their fangs come out! They just had to know what his religion was. It shows a real insidious undercurrent to their agenda. I take his unacceptance as a great sign that people have finally had enough of the spoiled children speaking and maybe its time for adult conversations – not transgender story time at our public libraries in front of our children. It's sick, disturbing. Vigilante type activism purporting social justice, today's total nightmare.

  5. What is it called when we don't accept someone because of their viewpoints? So, tell me again, who is the bigot here? The media and everyone that supports it.

  6. i wouldn't call it a massive controversy in hockey. it is a rich white heterosexual sport. his coach came out and defended him and that was the end of the story. As you can tell by the comments on this clip the fans also agree. it's pretty depressing. the reactionary bigots lost baseball, basketball and now football. hockey is their last stand and the structure promotes bigotry and exclusion from 6 year old tomthumb leagues to the professional levels.

  7. If you're worried that your existence is threatened because of someone else deciding whether or not they wear a shirt with colors on it…then you're the one who's insecure.

  8. I m sure some members of the lgbt club were fans of Ivan , and now prb upset because of his behavior. So my question is : why create such a stupid night in the first place???

    There are so many different beliefs, groups, orientations, we dont need to celebrate all that shit. Pride night , military night, animal right… leave hockey be hockey. If u are lgbt you can come and watch like regular ppl , you dont need this circus , im 100% sure now lgbt fans will feel more uncomfortable to watch hockey than before. Western world is coming to an end . Too much perversion, too much nonsense bullshit. We have problems that are 100 times more important than feelings of sick/lost people.

  9. It's a free country isn't it? Leave the guy alone with his opinion and move on with the vast majority that support the cause. Or at least are willing to play along.

  10. Ivan handled the situation with class! Get over it! You of all people, who always use the acceptance and tolerance card, should maybe consider the same for him. Tell me, who wins when we as a society want to force our own ideology on others?😮

  11. This show is hilarious, they literally traded religion for public opinion… people have too much time to worry about nonsense.

  12. He doesn’t have to celebrate and partake in LGBT stuff and you don’t have to celebrate or participate in his religion.

  13. His jersey is the number one selling jersey in the NHL right now! I hate the Flyers but I almost want to go by his jersey! Good for him. He's not a bigot because he won't wear a flag that he has no need to carry

  14. Not contractually obligated to do that at all. Bullshit. Even he was, he did the right thing not ignoring his principles for money.

  15. I don't participate in Pride Parades and agaisnt them and all parades … does that make me a bigot and insecure about Rainbow Peoples, Thanksgivings, Easter, Christmas etc etc. … beacuse that is your stretch of logic. Ivan stood up to the woke and rainbow bullies, and you mad. Just because someone don't participate in your propaganda doesn't mean this person is a hateful bigot which you are trying to paint him out to be … I'm glad there's enough rational people out there see what's going on.

  16. These are 2 of the most ignorant, self-righteous, self-serving personalities I've witnessed in a very long time.

  17. ESVN acts like DAVOS puppets !!!! you are so lost today on what is freedom!!!! you are a bunch of transhumanist crazies like Yuval Noah Harari !!!

  18. No one should be compelled to say or do anything they don't want to. You people are the WORST.

  19. It's funny, all this "it's his belief". Sure, does he not believe in all other stuff in the bible that talks about acceptance and supporting the marginalized? I

  20. What I got from these two and the LBGTQ community is if u don’t agree, accept and support their beliefs then you are hateful for your own beliefs! For these two to attack his religion shows hatred and a form of retaliation for disagreeing with them which is hatred!

  21. Lmaoooo always about insecurity huh? Y'all projecting so bad, the only insecure ones are the ones who NEED other people to wear stuff for their own fragile ego.

  22. What does him not being liked in the locker room have to do with this story? Nothing, you simply wanted to paint him as a bad guy because you don't like what he did. You are the one who is insecure. Just say you don't like what he did. But you didn't do that, you turned into a leftist shrill showing how woke you are. Please just shut up.

  23. We should not have to do what you want we accept that lgbtq48832577 exists so leave it at that quit pushing your narrative we don't make you guys wear a straight patch one should actually be created same with a flag and maybe we straight people should have parades and protest and normal story time with a librarian. Lgbtq476467775 is fine but you guys make it a ludicrous circus.

  24. Inclusivity includes those who do not entertain your political views. Good for him for standing up for HIS religious beliefs… more people need to do the same!

  25. What did Provorov say that was wrong?…..That he is true to God? He is a role model for all the kids out there. There is a reason why his hockey jersey is SOLD OUT! I rest my case. God bless Provorov! Can we have an "I stand for the Lord Jesus Christ" night next month for Christians in the NHL? You are all about "inclusion" right? Do you think that will ever happen? No, of course not. The attack and hatred towards Christianity is so obvious and disgusting you would have to be a true idiot not to admit that. Inclusion is fine for the "Luciferian Left" as long as you agree with their agenda. That's fair and inclusive, isn't it? Your video gets a HUGE thumbs DOWN……sorry. I call it as I see it. If something is Biblically correct, I point that out. If it is contrary to God's Word (aka: The Bible), I point that out as well. As a Christian I pray every day for people that are hosting this video because they are obviously not Christian and lost.

  26. Report sports because you know nothing about peoples rights and politics.

  27. "I respect everybody's choices,” Provorov said after the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That's all I'm going to say.”
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech… God bless you! God bless America and Russian Orthodox Church!

  28. I assume you would be just as disgusted if they had a Jesus saves Christian night and expected people to support by wearing crosses on the jerseys and they didn’t? I can probably answer that for you.

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