@Calgary Flames

“The message was pretty clear — I want to be a future of this team, I want to play every game and I want to do the best that I can to help the team,” Ruzicka revealed

“The message was pretty clear — I want to be a future of this team, I want to play every game and I want to do the best that I can to help the team,” Ruzicka revealed

by MonkeySailor


  1. zzKURUPTzz

    This guy showed a lot of potential. Not playing him is one of the reasons Daryl should be canned.

  2. Top_Tumbleweed

    Player mismanagement this season seemed like a massive issue the whole year to me but I haven’t seen anyone sum it up as a whole yet.

    – Line blender after we had our best ever start to the year “to build chemistry” even though that’s what they were doing?
    – Riding Marky for months when his head wasn’t in it, meanwhile we had one of the best goalies in the AHL

    – Lucic in the 2nd and 3rd lines
    – Saying Huby needed to go take a shit instead of covering his back like a leader should
    – Dropping the young players for a single on ice mistake then nothing happening to the experienced guys night after night
    – Big dick Nick in the shootout

    There was tons more but that’s all I have off the top of my head

  3. ManRocket99

    He needs to up his aggressiveness and compete level

  4. BLARG13

    He should change his number to 15 so we can call him AR-15.

    Also I wish Walker Duehr was number 40. WD-40

    I’m glad he said this, I thought he really contributed well until he was buried on the 4th line and then the press box.

    This will be the most interesting off-season in a long time.

  5. ruzicka63

    Checkbox for another Flames prospect being mismanaged, thus resulting in a bust/trade to other team where they flourish.

  6. GooseDevito

    Give the man some ice time, he looked really promising when given a chance

  7. TDprostarTD

    I was a big fan of Sutter before this year. He was an arrogant asshole this season. He started to change his tune near the end of the year but geez did he pull some weird moves. Dressing room is clearly divided. Going to be interesting to see if Tre stays. We should know tomorrow.

  8. zzKURUPTzz

    Learning should be done by being on the ice. Watching from above only does so much. Mistakes need to be made to be corrected and learned from. Darryl doesn’t allow that with young players.

  9. NoxinLoL

    After he was put into the fourth line after about 3 games down here he kind of gave up and didn’t show much effort

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