@Nashville Predators

Mikael Granlund – GOAL OF THE YEAR (Superslowmotion)

Finnlands Mikael Granlund erzielt Wunder-Treffer: (Finland – Russia Финляндия – Россия Finnland – Russland / IIHF 2011) “Oh! Look at that one! Mikael Granlund, are you kidding!”: That was the call from TSN’s Dave Randorf after Finland’s Mikael Granlund scored what many are calling the goal of the year at the World Championship on Friday.
Early in the second period of Finland’s semifinal win against Russia, Granland gathered the puck deep along the end boards in the Russian zone, stick-handled past a defender and behind the net, flipped the puck onto the blade of his stick, and flung it into the Russian’s net, lacrosse style, to give the Fins a 1-0 lead.
Das Kommentatoren-Duo des übertragenden TV-Senders Sport1 kriegte sich gar nicht wieder ein…!
Marc Hindelang und Rick Goldmann machten dabei selbst vor den größten Superlativen nicht Halt: “Sensationell!” Das sei vielleicht „das schönste Tor aller Zeiten”, sagte Hindelang. Und Goldmann gab zu: “So ein Tor habe ich überhaupt noch nicht gesehen”. Vor Beginn des letzten Drittels fügte dann Moderator Sascha Bandermann an, “in jedem Saison-Rückblick” werde das Tor zu sehen sein, war er sicher.


  1. @Sudeettisavolainen
    now i see it too, after 4 times! so i must´nt read rules! The judge doesn´t see it in the first time too…

  2. @salez616

    Urheilujoukoissa, SM-liigassa pelaava kaveri. Saa nähdä onko palvelusaika edes sitä kuutta kuukautta. Kasarmilla tuskin puoliakaan siitä. Eiköhän se päivärahat silti saa.

  3. I was too young to remember the first gold we won in ice hockey so i had been waiting this one practically my whole life. Finally the championship is where it should be.

  4. mitä helvettiä te sitä granlundia mainostatte kun immonen voitti koko turnauksen pistepörssin kun taas granlund teki muutaman kämäsen maalin…

  5. @Nullitus535 nope i have 5 russian friends and they all watched it. How can you say there are only 3?

  6. @diablo616 your an idiot! you thinkk only 5 russians watch this, the number or rating down doesnt mean the amount of russian watching this video because of the rating down. I dont give a fuck what you say im smarter then you know it all.

  7. @diablo616 like i said im not an idiot. You are, i did not say i was Einstein and Newton. Oh by the way you forgot the capitilzation on the names dumbass.

  8. @diablo616 No im not 10 , your maturity level needs improvement. Now stop replying and admit your stupidity. Its like you cant shut the fuck up.

  9. @diablo616 read all your comments if you didnt get why but basically those are not smart comment, ones that a 5 year old would make.

  10. @TheHomebre
    What is German?
    It's Finland vs. Russia played in Slovakia. That Skoda in the background is based in the Czech Republic but it's a subsidiary of VW Group, which is German.
    So technically, "that" is somewhat German…

  11. diablo616 you say that this is like 5 yers old?? omg do yoú even watch tv or where the hell do you live. somewere in africa… desert??

  12. i don't listen to/give a fuck what that german announcer says????the most humilliating score in ice hockey (for the goalie) ever!
    sedin sisters will/shall never, ever be that monumental..'cause they're wussies (you all know it) edmonton will be stanley cup champions much earlier than vangeyver gaynucks! they'll never win THE CUP!

  13. I agree with your comment about Edmonton winning before Vancouver but in response to the rest of you post however; grow up.

  14. A great goal… But why so much slow motion and then flipping the image? I think we got the point after the first ten slo mo replays… Overkill

  15. Great job beating the US of A.U r the real deal.Should have had Rask in goal against Sweden.U would b playing Canada 4 the GOLD!!!!

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