@Montreal Canadiens

Thank you fans, from the Montreal Canadiens | 2022-23

To Canadiens fans everywhere, the Habs say thank you for your unbelievable support throughout the 2022-23 season.



  1. Thank you guys for using your talents to entertain us night in and night out. Most importantly, thank you for the sacrifices each of you made in the name of the CH.

  2. great year guys , sorry for caufield hope you get better keep this team alive with everyone have fun see you next year boys

  3. Despite the rough season, the team was fun to watch. Dear management, make sure the team rests well and gets in shape and in good spirit for next season! Cheers!

  4. Can't wait to see what this young, very talented team will bring next year. Always a Habs fan, born in Montreal, my Dad part of building the forum and maintaining it. Mr. Molson and team management/coaching, great vision and keeping the Canadiens organization not only original 6 but top 6 for players and fans. My Father would have been happy to see the changes made to compete as am I. Go HABS Go!!!!!

  5. Absolutely loved watching this team of inspiring vets and badass young guns play. They had more smiles on their faces beind the bench than any other team. Thank you Habs for everything you guys do. We fans sometimes don't deserve you, but we thank you for your service towards making mtl the awsome city that it is!

  6. Salut les canadiens je écoute les canadiens avec mon téléphone je suis fan des canadiens j’ai des chandails des canadiens et la musique des canadiens go habs go 😀😄

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