@St. Louis Blues

Acciari hit on Nelson – Have your say!

Noel Acciari took Brock Nelson hard into the boards. Nelson obviously turns, but should that have been enough to exonerate Acciari of blame? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. nelson turned back at last second and leaf guy was already in process of laying the hit. it is on the numbers for sure but islander player did not help himself. 5 min major but no suspension or fine

  2. Why would you turn at the last second and endanger yourself like that when you clearly see the guy coming in to for a hit. He should have hit him harder.

  3. It was a non call but, more importantly, there was no retaliation through the game against Acciari, making it clear that even the Islanders knew it was on Nelson.

  4. Should be suspended 3 games. And for the on ice officials not to call a major (or anything at all) is completely inexcusable. Acciari was following Nelson from behind the whole way and did not let up even when he knew he was hitting Nelson square in the numbers.

  5. Acciari commited to the hit before Nelson turns, Nelson put himself in that position. Besides acciari gets a pass for being fucked in the 2019 SCF Game 5

  6. My issue is that most are saying Nelson turned. Yes he did but if Nelson didnt Acciari would have hit nothing but boards. He knew Nelson was turning and still hit him in the numbers.

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