@National Hockey League

Was this the right call?

Was this the right call?

by info-warz


  1. Plastic_peaches4

    Dumba probably should have been called for charging and not roughing but otherwise yes it was.

  2. Fast27x

    It was a little late but shoulder to shoulder and he didn’t leave his feet (until after he made contact and was off balance flying into the boards) 2 minutes is the correct call. It’s sucks that palverski go hurt . Hopefully he’s ok

  3. tball788

    Absolutely not. Refs have been weak all game. That is why this injury occurred.

  4. anoiing

    shoulder-to-shoulder hit, does elevate a bit, but never connects with the head. The injury was caused by the ice and other guys’ stick. You cant give the ice a penalty.

    Dumba won’t get a call tomorrow, and he’ll be on the ice on Wednesday.

  5. CompaqUSA

    Clear intent to injure, should have had his ass suspended.

  6. jisforjerms

    I’m upset that domi got a 10 minute misconduct. Like I get it, but he’s looking at a player on the ice not moving during all this

  7. MichealangeloRetardo

    That’s a sussy if you ask me shades of Aaron Rome on Horton

  8. Weeble317

    Welp, Leah Hextall said it was a hit to the head, 15 seconds before the officials said it wasnt

  9. solaire_flare

    I dont like domi get 10. Refs seem to have their head up their ass the entire game. 2 for dumba, fine, but domi ejected is a joke

    Fan of neither team so just an outsider pov

    Edit: wasnt a game just a misconduct

  10. soulslide

    Same call they made when Jeff Carter did the same thing to Cale Makar. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. JustaRoosterJunkie

    Right call, clean shot. Goddamn shame to see any player get hurt, no matter the circumstances.

  12. Interrupting-cow_Moo

    Can’t believe the refs called it perfectly. Never would have been anything had Pavelski not been hurt in the check. Looked like good playoff checking. Joe needs to stop puck watching.

  13. TheDrSteveJ

    It might have been a little late, but the great thing about hockey, it polices itself better than any other sport.

  14. Montgunnery

    Dumba is a piece of shit for laughing and being smug after that but it wasn’t a terrible hit. Head hitting the ice was the main impact

  15. Mandalorian3-3-3

    Elevation is my issue with the hit. If Dumba stays low shoulder to chest contact no one gets hurt.

  16. Danedurz

    Keep your fucking head up! It’s the playoffs.

  17. piantissimofan00

    “Lateness” is definitely debatable. Otherwise clean. Sucks that he got hurt, hoping he is okay.

  18. mustangwwii

    Dude why does Pavelski get absolutely murdered every playoffs?

  19. ArferMorgan

    Little late. Little high. I think that and the fact Pav will be out might result in a call tomorrow.

  20. ImTellinTim

    This is literally the only way you can cleanly “big hit” someone these days. Sucks Pavelski hit his head on the ice, but that’s a textbook hit.

  21. makingdabandseason1

    The late hit is not correct, it’s that his skates leave the ice for the momentum of the follow-through, which is also why Pav gets air when he’s it. The two were getting in each others hair before this as well.

    Call it what you want, but Dumba’s a fucking loser for acting smug after a hit like that.

  22. skylord650

    “Clean” shot. I hope someone on the stars gives him a “clean” shot later.

  23. Dumba has a bounty on his head. He better enjoy this summer because come next October when he doesn’t have a playoff game to protect him he’s getting his next snapped.

  24. Hattrick_Swayze2

    Good hit. I don’t even really see how you can argue it was late. Sorry Pav is hurt though that is brutal.

  25. Sad_Package9774

    Yes. Blades were on the ice and he hit his shoulder.

  26. bernieinred

    Should not have been a penalty on Dumba. Shoulder to shoulder. Just nicked Pavelski’s chin. The hit was Pavelski going full speed, Dumba hardly did anything but get in his way, so maybe interference at best. Player that jumped on Dumba when he was on the ice , then started punching him. Should be suspended at least a game.

  27. OLPopsAdelphia

    Oh man, here we go with a playoff spoiled by refs’ shitty calls!


    I’ll start off by saying I’m a stars fan. To me the hit itself looked clean and the check was finished. Pavelski being blindsided and hitting the ice the way he did 100% made the whole situation look way worse then it was. I would also argue that the hit still looked late (even in real time) too but close enough to really be called either way. At the end of the day we can’t be relying on calls to go our way. No use in getting upset over a call and a game that are both over. Go out there and leave it all on the ice. Hope Pav a speedy recovery.

  29. Regalbass57

    Honestly, its a rough game, everyone knows this, as a Stars fan I wasnt even offended by the hit until they showed Dumba laughing, shrugging and smiling while Joe is literally unconscious on the ice, that shit made my stomach turn.

  30. PKDroidmasterrace

    I don’t see how anyone is saying it’s a clean hit. You can see in the replay his head snaps back after Dumba comes through on the initial hit. They don’t have the angle in this clip but there’s a more ice level came and it definitely looked a lot more like he almost only hit Pavelskis head

  31. dudeistpriest710

    Fuck no! Clean hit. Did Domi get a penalty?

  32. Geologybrent

    The fact that he was laughing and smirking in the penalty box after giving a dude a head injury was pretty fucked. I know I’m biased. But I still hate to see that shit.

  33. Fantastic-Ranger3913

    He got hit in the shoulder…maybe quit sucking ass pavelski & get up…if youre complaining about the hit then youre not a real hockey fan…take your casual punk ass view & beat it. Its a hit to the shoulder, end of story.

  34. Jonnyplesko

    Was it a hit to the head? No

    Was it late? Yes

    Did he drive up? Absolutely

    Was the intent to make a good hockey play or to injure? It’s tough to say. Pavelski saw him coming, but didn’t expect him to try to blow him up that long after the puck had been gone.

    Personally, I feel that the hit was predatory. Dumba is one of those guys that won’t cut a player a break if hes in a bad position. He has a history of it, which is what brings me to my personal conclusion

    Sure it’s great seeing big hits, until you see a player like pavelski laying on the ice not knowing where he is.

    This is a league that refuses to protect its players.

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