@Minnesota Wild

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

by AnAngryAnimal


  1. dcdoyle03

    I went to bed because it was past 1 when the first ot ended. I fully expected to be disappointed when I woke up this morning. I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE HARTZY WON IT FOR US

  2. leo_isgone

    I have never seen us get such favourable refpuck or bounces, unreal lucky last night.

  3. RipErRiley

    Mornin! Puck luck doesn’t matter unless your boys are there to take advantage of it. Cheers Hartzy!

  4. expungant

    The 5 hours of sleep feels so much better with a W

  5. addam44

    Alarm went off at 5am and this is exactly how I feel.

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