@Toronto Maple Leafs

Simmonds and Pezzetta Throw It Down | HNIC Punjabi | April 8, 2023


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  1. Simmonds won but he land only one good shot.. how about he try that with arber jackeye if hes still in the league next year

  2. Wayne Simmonds is one of the most underrated fighters to ever play this game. The guy is a beast with bricks for hands. He just ragdolled a pretty damn tough kid who probably outweighs him by 25 pounds.

  3. I think the pez dispenser should stick to just that, distribute candies and keep his purse on his hands.

  4. Oh how bout we fight (wrestle). A no emotion joke of a FIGHT ! Shoulda left both of em in the dressing rooms.

  5. Wayne is the toughest and most effective 180lb enforcer in NHL history. You have to jump to 200 to find a guy as tough and effective. Keep in mind that most of his fights were fought while he was 175. Tough SOB.

  6. Habs fans Trying to cope with this loss by mentioning Arber 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 cope and seethe. Bottom feeding bum squad. Enjoy your golf this year boys

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