@Dallas Stars

This hit will change the ENTIRE series…

#nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs

Game 1 between the Dallas Stars and Minnesota Wild was jam packed. Going to double OT.. The Wild were able to squeek out a victory.. but the talk was all about the Matt Dumba hit on Joe Pavelski. After being called a 5 minute major, the referees reviewed & reversed the call to a 2 minute minor. We break down the hit & how the Minnesota Wild’s physicality can dictate the series.


  1. Stars don’t have any team toughness so the Wild will continue to run around hitting everyone. There were plenty of hits by the Wild that were late and were not called.

  2. Although I believe that it was a legal hit but certainly late. I was disgusted seeing Matt Dumba antics in the penalty box. It is ok to have a good hit but to injure someone that bad and then laugh about it is totally disgraceful. I don’t know his past in hockey at all levels but he has serious issues.

  3. Good clip, well done video as usual. I don't think the hit was dirty. Not real late and it isn't like Dumba is Tom Wilson. Refs absolutely made the right call. Stinks losing Pavelski (for Dallas) I always hate when a team loses anybody to injury in a playoff series. Hopefully Joe is back before we know it. (I'm not a Stars or Wild fan, just a rabid NHL fan. Whose team is f-ing terrible & is already done there exits interviews)

  4. The Hit aside how about this ref crew missing about 31 tripping and cross checking calls. worst refs in the league, they need to be sent back to high-school games, we don't need those types in the NHL

  5. It was a clean hit but unnecessary. Dumba is not a dirty player but does finish every check.

  6. (This whole thing is very smug) Dumba looked like he almost boarded (boarding is a penalty in hockey) himself in the process. The Wild were 22nd in the NHL in total team hits this year, they are not really known over the years as a very physical team(they were 18th last year omg! then 29th,Last,25th, you get it). BUT OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS! THEY PICKED UP RYAN REAVES AND THEY HAVE FOLIGNO! I swear I heard the play by play guys on the Stars broadcast say that "Now the fans think everything is a penalty". Reminds me of North Dakota hockey fans up here where a large percentage of fan base aren't as knowledgeable about the game as some other states like Minnesota(after all they produce nearly 60 more NHLers than the next closest state). The Wild's arena during regular season games can often be described as quieter similar to some Canadian teams rinks as fans are more focused and unquestionably more knowledgeable and less knee-jerk than fan bases located in certain other cities(not talking about the northeast/wisc/mich). The Wild's rink has nearly every high school team in Minnesota represented with a jersey proudly displayed. With there being 148 high school teams. 2023 national high school hockey rankings have MN with 16 of the top 20 teams in the nation and many more beyond 20. The Minnesota State High School Hockey Tournament is currently the largest state sports tournament in terms of viewing and attendance, beating Florida's State High School Football Tournament and Indiana's State High School Basketball Tournament. That all being said Dallas should have won that game, totally outplayed the Wild in both OT's and parts of the 2nd and 3rd. The hit by Dumba was looked at by the NHL department of player safety and they agreed it was clean, but also said it was close to being late.

  7. It was a LATE and EXCESSIVE hit that caused a concussion. He definitely left his feet and the butt end of his stick made contact with Pavelski's head. He was out before his head hit the ice. As Stars fans we are FUCKING livid.

    It was NOT a GOOD or CLEAN hit because if it was, there would be no penalty. Right Wild fans?

    And speaking of the penalty:

    2 fucking minutes for interference??? Give me a fucking break. Our guy may never play again. He has a history of head injuries and his career could be over.

    If Marchment did that to that little Rooshian gnome he'd be ejected and facing a lengthy suspension.

    The NHL and their refs are a total JOKE!

    That being said, we seriously outplayed the VERY CHIPPY Wild once we were down one of our best players, so this series is far from over.

    Also, last comment: I was at the game and was disgusted to see that GIANT CUNT Reaves jump over the boards, skate over to the penalty box, MAKE THEM OPEN THE DOOR, so he could give Dumba a HIGH FIVE! And Dumbass was LAUGHING AND YUCKING IT UP!

    I watched that entire disgusting display of terrible sportsmanship in total shock. That's your team Wild fans, celebrating that someone is hurt. Hope you are proud.

  8. Dirty!!!!!!! I hate this man taking out one of our best players!!!!!!

  9. It's already changed. Now there's gonna be something coming for Suttor for the low crosschecks into Kaprizov's back. Watch..

  10. Of course this was a clean hit. You don't need to analyze every fraction of a second to see that. But of course fans of the opposing team never like to see it so in this case Dumba will get to hear it for the rest of the series.

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