@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Vincent Desharnais 04.17.23

Vincent speaks to the media as the Oilers were defeated 4-3 in overtime in Game 1 on Monday night.


  1. Jim Matheson should be fired, he's such a turd licker. Leave guy alone,he knows it was less than ideal. You'll get better Vinny!

  2. Jim Mathewson is already in the HoF, he’s had a good career but really he’s not a modern day star reporter for the team. He’s all about his own opinion and ego. … remember he thought he was big enough to call out Leon last year. This guy is an idiot and a joke. Edmonton fans, and the players deserve better. He’s done.

  3. The guy’s a solid D and has some learning to do still including keeping his composure.

  4. the refs must had been payed off they made calls on the oilers a lot more then they did with LA the refs technically decided the game

  5. It was a bad penalty. Rookie play by Desharnais.
    He’s straddling the farm team, but fans cut him a lot of slack because he’s huge and has a big advantage being large, but the skills leave a lot to be desired.

  6. As an oiler fan, i have to say that our media guys are some of the worst. Jesus christ on a cracker with the last question/bone headed observation

  7. Yup, last question was just like rubbing the dog's nose in the pee puddle. 🙄

  8. keep ur head up. Everyone makes mistakes learn and grow and move on and be better lets go!

  9. Good on him for standing there and taking questions from the media. And everyone is right, one penalty didn't loose the game for them.

  10. There is no way that a big market like Los Angeles will be beat in playoffs by a canadian team. The NHL refferees are full aware of that.

  11. I will chew my jackstrap if the NHL allowed a canadian team to win the Stanley. Too muck money in stakes. The Stanley is for USA team, with a very big market, ifi possible. Its still possible fora canadian team to win, but we'll do anything possible to prevent that. Remember referees in the Boston-Vancouver series years ago (2011) Clever choice: Refferree tha "let the game go" when its talent (Canada) vs toughness and defense (USA) and so on.

  12. Oilers will have to play better they are playing a good team and they are playing against the refs too.

  13. Come on…..a penalty is a penalty. Oilers was to aggressive the whole game. Cross checking Doughty many times and no call.

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