@Vegas Golden Knights

This was extremely hard to watch

We all know hockey players are the toughest athletes in the world, especially come play off time. These guys guys go to war. Well, in tonights Winnipeg Jets vs Vegas Golden Knights game, we got another example of exactly that. After a dog pile in the Vegas net, Morgan Barron catches the skate blade of a diving Brossoit in what was a hard scene to watch. Barron narrowly escaped what could have been a much more serious injury. While he didnt return in the 1st period, after receiving 75 stitches, he was right back on the ice in the 2nd.

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs #highlights #winnipegjets #vegasgoldenknights


  1. Man! This was hard to watch, I was squeezing my face the whole time. You have to have superhuman toughness in order to play hockey.

  2. Personally, I think it's crazy that caged helmets are not a requirement in hockey. Between skates, sticks, and flying pucks, hockey is probably the sport that presents the most danger to players' faces, and yet hockey helmets offer relatively little protection compared to other contact sports.

  3. I thought you were gonna say "this game was hard to watch for the Vegas fans"… I'd be terrified if I were one of them šŸ˜‚

  4. Barron was incredibly… INCREDIBLY lucky that skate missed his eye. It was also nice that the guy near him who saw it was trying to pull him away from the skate before it caused more damage, pure respect there.

  5. That was too close. If it hit his eye… very dangerous. 75 stitches though, what a warrior, that's a sign of a young player wanting to win. Love it

  6. I'm the 60's,70's I got cut many times, once a kid but ended me and my eyelid was torn almost completely off, hanging by a thread, the ref and some others got sick, must've looked pretty bad, my eyeball showing, I remember at the hospital in all Mr gear watching the Dr pull the thread through while stitching it back on, I thought it a badge of courage, my dad was old-time tough guy so I braved it out but it was scary, not that I showed it.

  7. I play goalie in beer leagues and pick up (because I'm old), and I don't dive for this very reason. And when I "have to," I do my best to keep my feet down because we all have work to go to the next day. Not worth it in a meaningless game.

  8. Jets made knights fans boo their team in their own building in the first game of the first round šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ hockey shouldnā€™t be in the desert

  9. Damn good thing it was a goalie skate as they arenā€™t as sharp as others on the ice.

  10. YIKES that's scary as hell. Great sportsmanship by Stephenson. Barron is incredibly lucky, and I'm honestly glad he's ok

  11. Man. I watched Malarchuk get cut on the TV back in the way back. This could have been similar. Lucky boy.

  12. Hockey fans need a bit of a reality check. A cut, however gruesome it looks, is barely an injury. I mean, if getting cut, leaving the game to get stitched up, and then coming back makes you one of the toughest guys in the world, what does that say about boxers, who don't get stitched up, but just keep going out there round after round, against an opponent whose strategy is to keep pounding that cut until the ref has to stop the fight?

    I'm not saying hockey players aren't tough – they are. But a cut doesn't become a real injury until you get into Clint Malarchuk/Evander Kane territory. The guys who keep playing through things you can't just patch up, like joint injuries and broken legs are the ones to talk about.

  13. The title of these videos extremely hard to watch really unless youā€™re a schoolgirl!! Extremely you couldnā€™t even see the cut. You just saw blood and you call this extremely hard to watch.!

  14. No doubt Barronā€™s time with the NYR, Ryan Lindgren rubbed off on him. Yikes that was nasty. God bless hockey players.

  15. Props to Stephenson for immediately recognizing the situation and trying to help him get up. Classy šŸ‘Œ

  16. You guys remember the time Rich Peverley died on the bench, was brought back to life with a defibrillator, and then wanted to go back in the game?

  17. I donā€™t know if it will take 10 years, or 30 years, or more, but I believe in the future, all NHL players will be required to wear face shields. Just how they grandfathered in helmets, and then visors. And I donā€™t necessarily think thatā€™s a bad idea. Unfortunately it will take a very serious injury, possibly two or three, and then they will make that change.

  18. Barron gets cross checked from behind while on his knees. Appleton, immobile laying on the ice has 2 Knights laying on top of him holding him down. No penalties. Go figure.

  19. The video itself isn't even so bad, it's knowing what is happening, the physics of it, imagining the blade "scalping" his flesh from the bone and muscle structure of his head…..eeeesshhhhhh

  20. I played in the 60s 70s 80sand early90s,barely any helmets.I was a goaltender,I always said safest position on the ice,guys going into the corners,in awkward positions,getting smacked from the back and sides!I did not even when I played in Sweden and Denmark,that the players were all wearing cages,they would bring their sticks up,cause they felt they could not take one in the chops,it has its detriments

  21. At 12 years old I got my face stepped on during practice @ Blade Runners in Warrendale, PA. Keep in mind, this was the 90s, so helmets were optional in practice, no joke…… anyways, I wiped out behind the net and my teammate tried to jump over me and landed on me instead… just above my right eye. It broke my orbital bone, shattered my eye socket and left a 8mm deep 7 inch long gouge in my skull…. my right eye was literally dangling out of my face. I felt 0 pain until I saw the massive pool of blood on the ice and came to the realization that it was MY blood. Yeah, immediate panic.

    I made my way off the ice and into the lobby (with assistance of course) and was guided by some alarmed parents to the nearest payphone to call my parents (Ya, there was a time before call phones, kids). The owner of the facility happened to be there at the time and had already called 911 before I made it to the lobby. He met me at the payphone and was very clearly distraught, slapped a towel across my face and said " Buddy, you're gonna be okay. Your dad and the ambulance are on the way. You tell me RIGHT NOW if there is anything i can do for you. Anything at all"

    I said, "can I please have a Red Icee and an Auntie Anne's soft pretzel?" Dude was off to concessions before I even finished my sentence….. I wrapped the Icee in the towel and held it up to my face to keep the swelling down and proceeded to demolish that soft pretzel while I waited for the ambulance.

    3 surgeries, 178 stitches and 28 years later, I'm all good. Plus I got this wicked cool scar above my eye that goes into my scar grows when my eyes close lol.

  22. hockey is a mans game but when a player sees another player on an opposing team in need the sport takes a back seat and the people on the ice are now family…played it and can see the respect

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