@New Jersey Devils

Devils Genucel Post-Game Show vs Rangers | LIVE STREAM

Catherine Bogart, Scott Gomez, Matt Loughlin and Chico Resch are in studio for highlights, post-game interviews and analysis following Game 2 vs the New York Rangers. Presented by Genucel –


  1. I know Devils fans love their narrative that they skate circles against the Rangers 5 on 5 but they've been outscored 6-0 5 on 5 and only 4-1 on special teams. This narrative that the Devils lost because of special teams is false.

  2. First off Rangers have too much experience to try and put on a show. They'll beat you in a boring hockey game especially, believe me, they're built to win those kinds of games.

    Secondly this idea that you're drawing on the first 2 games of the regular season is problematic. This is a whole different animal. If the Devils are gonna have any chance they need to take it one shift at a time and they need to figure out how to play a different style than just a track meet with Hughes dangling the entire team. That's coming from a Ranger fan who's felt the ups and downs and understands the lessons that have been learned.

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