@New York Islanders

Bailey, Strome go to spin-o-rama in shootout

New York Islanders forwards Josh Bailey and Ryan Strome both hit the spin button on Devils goalie Martin Brodeur for shootout goals on back-to-back attempts.


  1. Man isles have been playing so well with all these rookies. Its amazing they were in Montreal yesterday won 2-0 now they travel after the game, show up the devils and win

  2. I'm very excited for Strome.  I think he's gonna be big.  Can't wait to see how much better this kid gets next season.  

  3. To hockey newbs:  The puck stops forward many times during a shotout goal.  Every time the player brings the puck back to his body it technically stops or is going backward.  Nothing illegal here either.  Broduer got schooled, they should both be very proud to do that to such a legend in the net.  I laughed at this.

  4. Stupid…shoot outs should be taken out of the game..its not hockey and only exists for people who nothing about the sport

  5. What about the rule on shootouts that they can't stop forward progress before they shoot if they do which both shooters did, then why were the goals counted? In order to do the moves they made you have to stop forward progress because you are changing direction and going the other way without still moving forward! I say no goals! Nice moves but rules are rules and I am not a fan of either team!

  6. The rule states that the player must continue forward progress not the puck! So they should have said no goal!

  7. its no ilegal if u lose the puck or bring the puck back this move they have control and are not bringing it back there keeping it at one posistion

  8. Two young kids with no respect.  Could be Marty's last NHL game and you pull something like a spinorama?  Not once but twice?  It's a lack of class to do that in a game that means nothing for the standings, the only significance of the game was that it may have been Marty's last.  Way to go, idiots 

  9. the player isn't allowed to stop forward motion.  he clearly did there.  sure it looked sick but should have been called back.

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