@Edmonton Oilers

Do the Oilers need to be worried about Desharnais’s play

Do the Oilers need to be worried about Desharnais’s play in the NHL playoffs?


  1. The kings have identified that they want to feast on vinnie so he just has to be ready to address their attempts by making smart decisions that work for him. Sometimes he needs to be quick and others he needs to make it a battle of strength. He's gonna be fine

  2. Like Skinner, this was Vinnie’s first NHL playoff game. Mistakes will happen, nerves will happen. How he plays going forward is what will be telling. Neither has heard the roar of playoff hockey in that building.

  3. come on boys Coffee had a nick name for his bad games.. Paul Coff-up. and he is still in the Hall Of FaME

  4. Rookies will make mistakes just like nhlers. Ceci was doing that all year and eventually got through it

  5. I blame Skinner more for that one goal than Vinnie. His size and toughness vastly outweighs the occasional blunder.

  6. Worried that he’s gonna cost us too much to re sign? Or worried that he’s too big? Other than that, not worried about anything.

  7. He is a rookie in his first couple of playoff games, he is just what this team needed and still needs.

  8. I wouldn't use the word worried. In the words of coach Woodcroft, the Oilers turnaround in the winter coincidentally aligns with Desharnais' arrival. It's playoffs so any player that is diving into post season for the first time needs a little slack.

  9. Ohhhh heck nooooo… this guy is the huggeeeee reason why they are there…. real talk… hes just excited n pumped

  10. He had a hard first game but was solid in the second game! The last 2 minutes and they tried to sucker him into a penalty and he didn’t bite. I’m happy with that!

  11. He is an oversized goon,he will cost a couple of games,relax bois it’s only game two kings will win the next two

  12. These games will be priceless for his defensive development and role on the ice.
    If things get too hairy we can hope he'll be out there and settle things down.

  13. Deharnais hasn't been terrible. The pros outweigh the cons and I hope people aren't suggesting Demers as a replacement.

    On a side note, didn't realize til now that Kulak had a career year 😂

  14. Gotta disagree with your final take
    1:39 "…so, we're not talking about desharnais, if that goal doesn't go in! . . . "
    — I sure hope, that the Oiler's coaching-staff/video analysts don't see it that way; that would be dangerously naive!

    To me it seems, like LA has figured out a weak spot in Desharnais, when it comes to his breakout-game; some (26yo) rookie insecurities, that just needs some tenacious forechecking, to get exposed, [to] get taken-advantage off of!
    — just like the Oilers video analysts may have done to Calgary's glorified Markstrom, last year! — they saw a weakness, and advised their shooters to aim for it, making that "top 10 goalie" look like a sieve!

    When I saw that scene develop (*), I just knew "[oh no;] this is gonna be a goal against!". There's something about the confident pursuit of Vilardi (was it?) that makes me think, "the opponents know EXACTLY, what they are doing here" (i.e. not fishing in the dark, hoping for some random catch. This was premeditated!), and it turned out to be a goal.

    Desharnais has a monstrous reach — a guy like Vilardi shouldn't have a chance to impede him there, lifting his stick from behind.
    But he did!
    With confidence!

    It wasn't just "waiting too long", on Vinny's side, that made this possible. There seems to be a lack of awareness (to his surroundings? — opposing players? [when WITH the puck]), a lack of "offensive instincts", if you will, to his game.
    The same player that is so hardnosed and reliable without the puck, limiting cgances, boxing out opposing players, is out of his depth, once he's with the puck, having to make plays. It may all come down to insecurity, lack of calming experience *at that level," but… it could cost the oilers, dearly, if their video analysts do not figure out, what LA's [counter(?)] intelligence may have cought onto!

    With 11/7 it should be easier to insulate weaknesses of your rookie defenders, have them sit out a few shifts if need ve.
    I hope, the coaching staff is well aware of a possible weakspot like this…..

    PS: why isn't a stick-lift like that one Leon did, considered to be an "assist"? — the one that lead to the Kostin goal!
    I am not even convinced, that Drai did not touch the puck there! (i)
    Even more so: Drai had a hand inliterally ALL the goals the oil scored so far; he just didn't make the cut for the helper on that Bouchard PP goal!
    RNH, Hyman and McJezus didn't manage more than 1 assist so far, each. There's gotta be a break-out, soon! Maybe away-games will yield more rush-chances?

    PPS: death to all bots!
    I don't see that "Nick Robitaille"(was it?) spammer-thingy, here, but that pollution of the comment section is really getting on my nerves!

    *) disclaimer:
    I am a German hockey fan. I managed to get up at 4 am for the first game (my time; that's 10pm east coast — , 7pm edmonton time), a bit disgruntled, that it took until 4:19 for the game to get started! — I could stay awake only until 2nd intermission, feeling like Edmonton was well in control of their 2goal lead… (What a rude awakening that was, when I got up to work)
    I could NOT justify the same early (first) alarm for game 2, though! So I have to go by the "highlights" from NHL for this!

    i) To call it a [random] "turn-over", as if the opponent just randomly fumbled the puck there, was asinine! Did they even rewardLeon a "takeaway", there??? With that, he would have been in on all 4 goals that game! Which he kind of was! … crazy to think, why Kostin would be first star off the game?? Just because, that one goal he contributed on the stat sheet, randomly happened to be the last one that wasn't matched by LA? That's totally arbitrary!

  15. Mentioned in earlier comments, Any rookie player, defensive or otherwise will be targeted by other teams who have already game planned accordingly. They will continue to test them and try to pressure them into mistakes. Until young players are able to demonstrate they can handle the pressure, and in some cases, bounce back after a miscue, they will be pressured. It's all part of the maturation process. I still think he is an asset and sometimes am more concerned with the overall game of Nurse and Cici than the expected play of a young D-man like Vinnie..

    He's coming into his own and the other players around him know they need to be back to support their defence and assure clean breakouts.. Go Oilers. Lets dominate in LA like the last California road trips..

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