@Washington Capitals

This Post Game Interview Revealed A Lot About The Jets…

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  1. We should have taken the hint when Scheifele showed how selfish and self-entitled he was in the past. It seems like as soon as he learns that he hasn’t been chosen for the all-star game he pouts and start to dog it.

  2. If they miss the playoffs they should dump everyone but Hellebuyck, Connor, namestnikov,Ehlers,
    Dillion, Morrissey,Niederreiter and most of the bottom 6.

    Must go players
    1. Wheeler or 4 line very reduced role
    2. Shceifele doesn’t work consistently
    3. Appleton to expensive for his value
    4. Schmidt to expensive for his value
    5. Poink to expensive for his value
    6. Dubois isn’t interested in Winnipeg

  3. i cant believe the jets will most likely miss the playoffs man…. i was getting pumped for the whiteout again but i guess not 🙁

  4. The Jets seemed to have had better success earlier in the season when many of their top players were out with injury.

  5. First clue big changes are coming: Chipper must have sent a memo to the media that it’s open season on coaches and players. Have never seen this much criticism, all of which is deserved, from the local media

  6. ehlers should be played with dubois and connor again, we havent seen it in long time if im not mistaken but it used to work

  7. Remember when people were saying jets are contenders? Sad to see times change quick 😢

  8. This team has no chemistry. Period. Time to make changes to the roster. The way it is now, it’s like a long, boring, passionless marriage

  9. I think Chevy can only do what ownership allows and that Chevy is not really the problem. Look higher.

  10. I don’t care about the core I want it to get messy us fans want a good hockey team not guys making huge dollars that float around and don’t give a shit truly sad

  11. Chevy needs to be fired. He’s had more than enough time to build something and here’s the team we’ve got. Might as well oblige the players that don’t want to be here and move them. If we are going to have a losing team we might as well bring the boys up from the moose cause at least they give the impression they respect the team and the fans/city with their work ethic and that can’t be said for some of the current roster.

  12. Do recall that Maurice ONCE tried benching Schief and Wheeler to poor effect. Seems to me you cannot discipline them in any way, shape, or form even based on performance…time to move on and at least build something that the fans can be even a tiny bit excited about. This is not it…

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