@Edmonton Oilers

The Cult of Hockey’s “McDavid explodes, Oilers implode, refs stinko” podcast

Let’s do this! The Cult of Hockey podcast. By the Faithful and for the Faithful, tonight with Bruce McCurdy and David Staples. They dig into Edmonton’s 3-2 OT loss to the Kings of Los Angeles.


  1. These Oilers have to be the dumbest players on the planet! What the fuck is with all these stupid penalties they are taking? Why isn't Woody coming down hard on them? 2 games they lost because of penalties in overtime!

  2. The Oilers are not disciplined enough. Skinner’s inexperience is showing. The reffing was pretty balanced IMHO. Both teams got calls they didn’t like but LA kept their cool. They also are a better defensive team and they slowing Edmonton down.

  3. "If I call a penalty on the Kings I'm deciding the game. If I call a penalty on the Oilers I'm being a good ref."

  4. Can we not agree that Nurse has a lot going for him as a defence man but he also makes consistent, totally head scratching decisions where he leaves the most dangerous man open in front or positions himself in no-man’s-land, doing the flamingo squat? It doesn’t have to be one or the other: Nurse good or Nurse bad.

    If you take the average of everything he does, that’s the level of player he is.

  5. Still need a Number 1 defenseman, #1’s don’t miss assignments like Nurse on goal 1 and 3.
    I just watched another video of the goals and even the ESPN viewer identifies Nurse in both.
    Nurse sucks, most of us have known that for a long time.

  6. The Oilers have only gone 1-7 in the last 8 NHL Playoffs with Woodcroft behind the bench….. maybe Woody has been figured out .

  7. You guys are a disgrace. Complaining and putting blame on the Oilers? The oil won all 3 games. Skinner played his best game ever in game 3. I will never listen to you two ever again.

  8. -Eckholm called for the weakest board battle hit ever seen
    -Vinny called for bumping a LAK after the whistle. A bump so light even Kevin Bieska was calling out the LAK for embellishment.
    -Draisaital called for chirping and tapping Doughty shin pads.

    Three of the softest calls I've ever seen in the NHL, especially the playoffs.

    -Kostin called after the LAK comes after him away from the puck but Kostin shoves him down. Then the LAK trips him by kicking his feet while down and Kostin falls on top of him. If you are calling that, you have to send them both off.

    -RNH gets called for slashing a player, okay sure, its a slash, undisciplined. But in the 3rd period, McDavid gets a two handed chop in the O-zone, No call.

    -McDavid tripped while coming from behind the net, No call.

    -McDavid gets pinned against the boards while the LAK leans on him, no call.

    -High stick missed that leads to GWG

    And to be somewhat fairer…McDavid did crosscheck a LAK that was not called.

    Also kudos to the refs for seeing that Nurse didn't knee on knee Ardvossan but somehow did not call Ardvossan for his blatant embellishment. Again the broadcast people were calling him out for diving at end of the 3rd. Take that garbage play out of hockey and back to Soccer.

    But in no way was this an evenly reffed game.

    And yes, more Oilers need to start contributing but you can't distract from the horrible lopsided reffing by saying the Oilers should just do better.

  9. My opinion: the Oilers have the the talent, and the heart to go all the way. They need to dig into the character they've built all season, forget their laurels, and work for the magic. I believe they'll win the series.

  10. How come the reffing is always bad against the Oilers in LA? Do local biased refs do the games?. It should be investigated to see if there is any shenanigans going on!?…

  11. How do franchises make formal complaints about the officiating? There's plenty of evidence in this series already to show that the refs are clearly not calling it even. Two early OT calls????? and much more.

  12. This series is going to save me thousands of dollars. Money I spend getting every single game on TV, money I spend on jerseys, money I spend on tickets – Money I am done giving to the NHL. The way the games are officiated renders what the players do meaningless and I am DONE with spending on the league. I'll do what's free and nothing more.

  13. Thanks for analyzing the pain. I find it cathartic. I hope you guys do too.

  14. The NHL is a stickler for the details and getting the calls right, that's why Makar's goal last year according to the rule books is onside. Even though his lack of possession is literally between stickhandles that allows his teammate to tag back on. Then this year there is a missed stoppage in OT, and the Oil get burned on a non call. There is no angle that show space between the puck and the high stick, because the puck touched his stick. The NHL gets the details right last year and it's a call against the Oilers. The NHL get the details wrong this year and it's a call against the Oilers. That's the frustrating part.

  15. The weight of expectations seems to be too much for the oilers early in this series, plenty of time left to turn it around but this game was heartbreaking to watch slip away.

  16. Woody has got to make a bold move here… replace 56 with 21. The Klim Reaper seems to be dangerous almost every time he is out there. It is an error in player deployment that he is getting the least amount of ice time among the forwards.

  17. I hope the Kings coaching staff doesn't show this video to their team!!! This video praises the Hall of Fame LA defenceman and their powerful forechecking game!!! It seems hard to believe that you guys really think the Oilers have a chance after listening to this video!!!

  18. I listen to pretty much every Canadian teams media and fan channel and I can say HANDS DOWN BY FAR oilers fans & especially media complain about refs more than any other team, next closest is Canuck’s

  19. Anyone complaining about the penalty to rnh where he slashed so hard it broke the stick of the player in the offensive zone and actively trying to score has either never watched hockey or is a delusional homer because that is going to get called every single time. Leon’s post la goal penalty was also stupid I mean sometimes that doesn’t get called but that’s needlessly tempting fate

  20. Keeping things in perspective with Leon The Warlords Post-game commentary we say, Mirror mirror on the wall who is the best Head Coach of them all? Head Coaches are suppossed to make sure all the different Players each individually always have a clear realtime understanding of the normally evolving and changing "Standards"before each Playoffs start and before a Series begins and before each Pre-Game Plan is discussed.I do not blame Leon for expressing concerns that he is not sure what the Officiating Standards are from game to game because his Coaches are obviously not communicating that properly.

  21. Glad there are people who recognize LA's Blueline but like everybody else in the world vastly underrating Matt Roy I agree isn't the best skater of the top 4 it's not awful and quick skating laterally but it doesn't really matter because he is the smartest player on the ice and virtually never out of position and something I've noticed recently like the last 2 seasons playoffs included McDavid has seemingly avoided matching against Roy and has preferred to attack Roy's D-partner whenever possible maybe its just side of the ice thing but it's noticeable

  22. They can beat the LA Kings…They need to focus on their own game plans…PLAY hard and NO MORE Bad Penalties too…OILERS in 6 👍💪💪💥💥🏒

  23. Good luck telling me this whole gambling hard-on the league has been on for a couple years, doesn't factor into these games. Those refs can pocket thousands based on their calls (NHL directed or not)… Good. F'n. Luck.

  24. It is happening again
    The NHL wants a big city USA team to move on
    That was clearly a high stick , the OT goal was an OT non goal

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