@Philadelphia Flyers

Ivan Provorov refuses to wear Flyers Pride Night jersey | The Athletic Hockey Show

The Athletic’s own Charlie O’Connor joins Rob Pizzo, Jesse Granger, and Michael Russo on the Wednesday Roundtable to discuss Ivan Provorov’s decision to skip the Philadelphia Flyer’s pregame skate Tuesday night rather than wear a Pride jersey, in support of the LGBTQ community, and the reactions from the organization, head coach John Tortorella, and Provorov himself.

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  1. Thank God for this man's incredible COURAGE and CHARACTER to refuse to bow to the woke mobs demands to worship and affirm the sexual perversion and promiscuity of less than 1% of the population. He signed up to play hockey 🏒, not to be an advocate or advertisement for gay sex. People who demand absolute submission are faceists, tyrants and dictators aka liberals, those loving open minded people who will destroy you if you don't agree with them and jump through all their hoops. Sid is the embodiment of a tantrum throwing, frothing at the mouth, insane liberal fascist, Heil Sid and 4 liberal dudes on the podcast, lick the boots of your LGBTQP lords..

  2. Why is this an issue there is no issue here and if you have an issue with it then you're a racist Your discriminate against the orthodox religion And the man's beliefs so f*** off

  3. It's a choice….respect it. Unbelievable bias panel. Get your head out of your *ss. Why don't we have straight night or religious night, it's not part of the agenda? Bunch of sell outs!

  4. I can just see all the virtue-signaling woke-tards with their pens and paper watching the warmup crossing of the names of every player out there until finally discovering Provorov wasn't there and rejoicing that they found another "bigot" to be rooted out of society. The woke cancel culture are a bloodthirsty lot.

  5. NO ONE HAS TO SUPPORT THE 'LETTERITES' aka the 'letter people. In fact, they're VERY lucky that America has TOLERATED them so far but if they keep pushing their BS *rhetoric down everyone's throats then they had best be prepared for the blowback because people are sick and tired of it. There is absolutely no reason for it. NO ONE is REQUIRED to adopt their opinions or points of view. No one. They cannot force anyone to agree with them so they had better stop pushing on those that don't because the fight that they're looking for will most definitely NOT be the fight they receive and they are not prepared for they know not what they do. My advice? Just stop. Get help.

  6. These are movements of control, hate , and censorship. The movement deceptively masquerades as inclusiveness. Which is why it's hard to debate over because it requires a few minutes of explanation. Eventually this road leads to a 1940 style German government.

  7. I suspect at least one (if not all) of these guys don't actually believe what they're saying but are just trying to virtue signal lol

  8. You're not "supporting" anything if you're being forced to do it, and punished if you don't. That's not how support works. That's how imposing your will on other people works, aka bullying.

    You people need to reacquaint yourselves with the word "liberty." Support that. Get American FFS, or move to Canada.

  9. The trouble comes with what the pride symbol stands for. If it supports respecting the LGBTQ community and being inclusive, I don’t see the religious issue. If it supports gay marriage and sexual freedoms in that regard, from a religious standpoint that is a problem. I support how the Flyers handled this- a good way to avoid a legal-media firestorm. Me personally as a catholic, it would be something I’d consult my priest and bishop before wearing- if they approved, I would wear it. They could legally bench him so long as they pay him for it.

  10. 4 days 2,7k views that's all i have to say, great show guys! 19 likes and 118 dislikes btw…. its success!

  11. We've come so far in the last while yet when one person has their own beliefs people pounce all over it.. you're not gonna get everyone on board just like a mormon isn't gonna recruit every household.. so just move on and play the gosh damn game.

  12. WTF… Prov just does not believe that LGBT needs take another advantage of professional sport in order to promote themselves as a political and social entity again. He does not believe that there is a lack of attention toward LGBT people nowadays, which is true. I really dont remember that there have been any protests against LGBT for the last 5-8 years.
    He said that it does not go along with his religion, that kind of propaganda. You can be a gay and play any sport without any oppression/discrimination but don't make people with traditional views do more than accept you, don't make us celebrate, otherwise that looks like a dictatorship and tyranny.

  13. The media and press reactions are classic.

    Everyone acting work for self-preservation rather than the espoused values themselves.

    Provorov gave a respectful statement, with no hate directed to LGBTQ persons or groups.

    People responding however many have been quite hateful to Provorov for simply being non-compliant.

    If you believe in freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom to be who you are then he should be free to express himself. Utter hypocrisy.

  14. Question for you guys. Do you support giving 13 years old puberty blockers, cross sex hormones or gender reassignment surgery?

  15. Question for you guys. Do you think 17 year old girls who have been sexually assaulted who don't want to share their high school locker rooms with boys "identifying" as girls are hateful bigots?

  16. Question for you guys. Do you think public schools should "gender transition" minor children without telling their parents?

  17. Question for you guys. Do you think public schools should be telling kindergartners that they may not actually be a boy or a girl?

  18. Wow, it’s pathetic watching 4 grown men say this man did something wrong by not wearing a shirt. I don’t see you four wearing a pride shirt. Are you homophobic? Why don’t we have a Venezuelan pride night? Do we hate Venezuelans? Why don’t we have a Christian night with mandated cross wearing? Do we hate Christian’s? Just because we don’t actively participate and celebrate a certain group of people doesn’t mean we hate them. Absolutely pathetic that we have gone from “let me do what I want” to “actively participate with me or be ostracized from society”. Pathetic and disgusting. I can’t imagine being as big of a sellout as you four.

  19. Мужеложство это грех, за него человек не войдёт в Царство Небесное. Читайте библию, христианская Америка. Вы не заметили, как превратились в Садом и Гоморру со своей псевдосвободой.

  20. Funny how you can have beliefs as long as it goes along with theirs. How about supporting his religious rights. This has nothing to do with homophobia. I will finish my statement as soon as I get done puking.

  21. What are you supporting exactly? Auction jerseys that money goes to a charity. Which charity??? Even when your money goes to gender clinics??? Clinics that involved in children mutilation??? What would do we leave in? Or the money only thing you all follow and you would bow down to any perverted agenda???

  22. You so called media types should take a deep breath or a couple Valium. Hockey is hockey nothing more nothing less! Using hockey as a platform for politics, blm, antifa, lbdksauwhatever, etc. etc. is sacrilege to the game we love and is totally disgusting!! Now, trying to force someone to do something they strongly disagree with and/or refuse is socially looked upon as a crime! This pride issue is not a cause it's a lifestyle… just in case the day isn't a total waste for guys.. now your smarter! This is nothing more than a storm in a teacup that you media are blowing out of proportion. Do us all a favour and sign up for CNN. Thanks on behave of Hockey Nation!🏒

  23. Crybullies suck. So much respect for anyone who stands up and says "I get to say 'No.'"

  24. Also to be clear – the money from the auctions don't got to LGB charities. They go to GENDER therapy clinics that profit from causing irreversible harm to children. #LGBWithoutTheT!


  26. As long as you a ready to bench someone for his beliefs, Russia will be the country of freedom and a great country.
    And thanx God we are Russians and you are not ✌️

  27. Plus he fucking sucks anyway. Why would you want a scrub who makes almost 7 million?

  28. Americans really can't think beyond themselves can they? It wasn't about what HE believes. Other countries used to look up to the US bc they set the example of at least TRYING to show that no one would be ostracized and that all people would TRULY be viewed equally without prejudice. I guess then many of you havent lived in a country where you're persecuted for being different. Not even LGBTQ but a certain ethnicity or Christianity where I was from. Ironic that this man uses his religion for his views. Wonder how he would feel or you all if it was religion or the US. Those who say "well that's their choice" can't even remotely think of a world where someone is stoned to death for being different. You think it won't happen but forget that no one ends up doing a horrific deed like that. It all starts from the smallest thought of every man for himself. Sometimes its not bad to support others even if you don't agree with their views. Bc one day it could be you.

  29. These guys are cucks, who are these "men"? Stand up for your opinions boys, dont be scared jfc.

  30. "Part of me just doesn't understand why you can't just put on a jersey for 10 minutes for a good cause." Let me explain it to you then, Mike. It is because it IS NOT a "good cause". “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Just because YOU don't believe in following the word of God, doesn't give you the right to impose those beliefs upon another person. That is the problem with people like you. You do not possess an understanding of religious freedom. You obviously live in a echo chamber of virtue-signaling wokeness. Just because Provorov chose not to support a lifestyle he doesn't believe in does not mean he has denied anyone else's right under the law. The whole idea of taking "Pride" in sinfulness is offensive to a believer. If he put on the "pride jersey", it is the same as him saying God is wrong. Now do you understand? If you don't, you have issues.

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