@Carolina Hurricanes

Found this of pool party in r/hockey

He might not have the best stats but I love that man

by Clark828


  1. admin_detected

    Some say that [objectoccurrence/emotion] is a vibe. Jesse “Pool Party” Puljujarvi does not limit his vibes to isolated or singular things. At any given moment, Jesse “Pool Party” Puljujarvi embodies vibes. Like energy, pressure, and entropy, the Bison King appears to bring environments into equilibrium, restoring low vibe environments (LVE) to high vibe environments (HVE). The only constant is change, is entropy, is Jesse “Pool Party” Puljujarvi. When you see him on your feed, your screen, or in the elusive in-person signing, know that you are bearing witness to chaos is in its pure form.

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