@Florida Panthers

Openly Gay NHL prospect SLAMS the NHL & the players for NOT bending the knee to LGBTQ Pride Night!

Openly Gay NHL prospect SLAMS the NHL and the players for NOT bending the knee to LGBTQ Pride Night!


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  1. Thank you for your willingness to speak your mind and not worry too much about the repercussion from the gay community!! its not wrong to not agree!! we are suppose to be a free country,with the right to our own opinions..years ago we had to live our lives a certain way according to religion, free thought was not aloud. times have changed!! but this seems to be taking us a step backwards! we have a right to believe in what we want! I personally am a none religious straight man! one to their own! be yourself, Not by forcing others!!

  2. The openly gay prospect needs to understand that some of us do not want to be activists for LGBTQ. That's how we see it. Don't ask us to compromise our morals or convictions. And definitely don't demand it.

  3. I will admit, even as a Bi myself, I'm getting tired of seeing all these Sports patronizing those that are part of LGBT+.

  4. Remember, the NHL trying to out-woke the NBA should not be a surprise…. the NHL is run by an idiot who came from the NBA. Bettman had zero experience with hockey players prior to getting his current job. He was a basketball guy.
    Luke Prokop will never be more than an asterisk in the NHL record books….. something like Manon Rheaume….. Do I think a woman will ever really play in the NHL? Probably not. If Hayley Wickenheiser and Cammie Granato didn't, no skater will. A goalie might. BUT no one who criticizes the league and its players before ever stepping foot into a professional dressing room will never be welcomed. If he ever makes it to the show, Prokop will have a rude awakening, and he will not last in the league.

  5. funny how they want people to feed there delusions, by asking people to give up there believes and adopt there delusion and lies. screw you all.

  6. I rather doubt any NHL players care one way another about a teammates sexual orientation. However, I do believe that some might not appreciate Luke Prokop seeking players to bend a knee to him and others. Some might not even be the ones who refused to wear the stupid a$$ed fake sweaters [and pride night is not the only BS pandering sweaters]. Luke Prokop's calling the players out over this might be painting a target on his back. If he gets blown up and destroyed, it won't be because players hate gays. It will because he is a ¶rick.

    Get rid of the special sweater nights. Who cares. Only those who imagine being offended and fans who will bid on a pile of dog crap if their favorite team sold it and told them it came from one of the player's pets.

    Abide by the adage treat others as you would want them to treate you and everything works out just fine. Grow the F up.

  7. It’s crazy to see that the instant those that were bullied gained power, they became the bullies themselves. Shows that they were never the good guys, they were just waiting for their decades of psyops to install them in power

  8. Make straight flag, demand gays to wear it publicly, if don't, then you get to call them straightphobics.

  9. Shouldn’t a LGBTwhatever pride event consist only of LGBTwhatever hockey players? THAT would make sense in some way but what pride should „normal“ players be proud of? That is forcing people that don’t even belong to a group to celebrate and elevate a totally different group 🤷‍♀️

  10. The gay hockey player sounds like a robot. I wonder if he can define all of those terms. Maybe it is mind control.

  11. I have absolutely zero respect for any rope – sucker that demands I show respect for their choice of lifestyle. i dont give a s- – t if you choose to bang household appliances in your private life as long as it does not affect others , there is mutual consent between the parties ( in the case of household appliances a power surge will suffice), and you do it on your own f – – – – – g time.
    There are 2 rules: Stay away from the children and don't stare at the other guys package while in the shower.

  12. His boyfriend bends his knees when he wants to be swallowed. Do what you want, leave the rest of us out of it is all we want.

  13. I WANT MOTHERS NIGHT CELEBRATED WITH THE PLAYERS WEARING PINK JERSEYS, in Celebration for the LIFE we gave them!!! Then I want Grand Parents MONTH of PARADES!!!! We give those that served, died or been damaged in war far LESS recognition than these fools… Shame on them!!!

  14. "A step back from inclusion"… yea, because all we fuckin hear about these days is this annoying BS, so people get sick of hearing it and push back. If it wasn't so pushed, people would continue not to care whether you're gay or straight or whatever.

  15. This sad individual, trying to say "you must accept my lifestyle,you must!' Oh no we do not. Now he can use his "gayness" as a reason why he did not move up in league's to the N.H.L. . He still is in Junior league play. At 21 he can not play in Juniors. If he was a real prospect, by now he would be in the E.C.H.L. or the Federal prospects league. I can see him playing that discrimination card.

  16. Yeah, shove all of your perverse bulls**t down our throats and then expect us NORMAL people to like you and like your queerness. It doesn't work that way.

  17. I don't understand what sodomy has to do with hockey? BTW they have an effective cure for homosexuality in Saudi Arabia

  18. Homosexuality has been around for years it wasn't until the 1960s that acceptance is being forced down everyone's throats.
    You beliefs are yours and mine are mine.

  19. I played and watched hockey my whole life, I'm done won't spend another dime on any NHL product, cancelled my hockey channels.

  20. The gays spend a lot of their time on their knees. I think that's enough knee bending, and nobody else needs to do so.

  21. Get rid of this loser when you start allowing these types of people into your organization is when it all falls apart stop the woke agenda now

  22. “Bow to us” say the non-procreators who respect no one who is not in their clique.

  23. We don’t see a straight pride night? I don’t get it why does it HAVE to be involved in sports. Wear your jerseys represent your city and state and compete. Sports have literally nothing to do with this

  24. Man, if you're any good, just shut up and skate already.
    Fans love hockey not just because of the competitive competition but fans know how incredibly difficult a season is and how hard it is to make the playoffs and then the difficulty of navigating through the playoffs and get to the next level until you reach the finals, where two teams will do battle to capture the Cup, the hardest trophy to win in any major sports.
    Pssst we want to get away from social issues and just watch hockey and get away from it all just for a few hours.
    Your gay….okay….and? My cousin is super gay and he said the movement is going off the rails with their crybaby complaints.
    Here's an idea, go skate and win games. Howabow dat
    Quit trying to use other peoples platforms for your selfish wants. Make your own platform like Harvey Milk.
    We come to watch the games and not to have to deal with politics.

  25. Whats wrong with these people, I would never bend a knee for anyone, why do they think anyone should? absolutely ridiculous!😏

  26. Well sed Lolinja. Pride, ( gay, black, Muslim, etc ) ok
    white / Christian, FORBIDDEN, in Our Own Country

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