@New York Islanders

Barzal lost his spot as 1C to this guy?

Barzal lost his spot as 1C to this guy?

by Chrismercy


  1. thatguychuck95

    At least he actually got a goal for once, yeah I’m surprised too.

  2. TheOlMuskrat

    Barzal is better as a wing, and Horvat just came from crap in Vancouver to a weakly coached Islanders team who play a creatively stifling offensive system. Actually watch his tapes and you’ll see why he got the long term deal. Pricey yeah but the islanders don’t dictate the market

  3. Knight_On_Fire

    He could carry the Canucks on his back at times but I think he burnt out his Bubble Bo energy at the start of the season. He played angry hockey because the Canucks snubbed him when they signed Miller. There’s been lots of twists and turns for him and now his emotional fuel has run out. That’s my guess anyway.

    I hope that late goal triggers a surge of adrenaline for him next game so the team might at least turn this into a series.

  4. fWARWhatIsItGoodFor

    Maybe we should give him a pass considering he was a lock to be signed in Vancouver, then got snubbed as the team underperformed. He was then traded to one of the destinations he wasn’t thinking about going to.

    Now he’s playing on the opposite coast, in a country he’s never actually lived in, being asked to lead a team (performance wise) he’s never played with, who aren’t in a position to be saved by one player, while having the pressure of showing he was worth trading Raty, Beau, a 1st and signing a $68M deal.

    I think he’ll be more than fine next year. Especially if you actually watched his full play (not just the point production) since he’s arrived

    I will say, he’s been invisible this series and the last few games of the regular season, but he wouldn’t be alone

  5. Morris8713

    He’s obviously struggling rn and it doesn’t help getting the Jordan Staal treatment like Barzal did a few years ago but Lee has been an anchor on his line. They’re way too similar and not enough speed. If we were getting absolutely nuts for game 5 I’d go:





    Lee fits in well with that fourth line and can still get PP1 minutes

  6. WaySavvyD

    My great grandmother could play a better series than Barzal and Horvat . . . and she’s DEAD

  7. Golden_Lafayette

    If you gonna call out Horvat the besides Barzal, Pulock, Sorokin & Palmari, you need to call out everyone else. Singling him out when most of the team hasn’t been great in this series is lame as hell to me and you been one of the main guys having a target on Bo’s back & I understand he’s been underwhelming but to act like he ain’t worth shit is silly to me

  8. diecorporations

    1 goal in garbage time in this series. $8 million. Ouch.

  9. Phil_Tornado

    He needs a healthy facilitator around him like barzal, and barzal came back too late this season for them to reestablish a rhythm together again. I want to see an extended period of time with him and barzal together healthy

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