@National Hockey League

Tkachuk fined $5,000 for actions in Panthers’ Game 4 against Bruins

Tkachuk fined $5,000 for actions in Panthers’ Game 4 against Bruins

by Bos4271


  1. jdough529

    What a joke. His actions clearly showed intent to injure. Why risk injury to players on the superior team by letting him play in game 5? The NHL does not care about player safety. Tkachuk doesn’t care about a fine.

  2. ZeroOptionLightning

    This is a $28 fine to a person who makes 50K a year.

    Fines are dumb at this level.

  3. AutomatedSaltShaker

    At some point these fines have to actually register with players if they want them to have any meaning.

  4. Sdwingnut

    Maybe someone can set up a golf fundraiser for him, he’ll be on the course in 3 days.

  5. hmack1998

    Why are these maximum fines so low? They really need to be like 20k minimum

  6. DontToewsM3Bro

    That will teach him

    God the punishment by DoPS is always so dam stupid its like they spin a wheel

    $5000 for guying 9.5m this year wow I’m sure he’s learned his lesson and will never do it again

  7. justify_it

    ….it leaves it in the Bruins hands to teach him then……idk where he got the idea it is acceptable to even touch another teams tendy….time to bring him to the house of pain….

  8. usmc_delete

    Is it just me or have the playoffs been particularly nasty this year, being only round 1…?

  9. RollingJaspers652

    How many rounds of golf is that.

  10. Now get Bennett for the cheap stick to the groin play while player was on the bottom of a pig pile too boot.

  11. AceVetoKing

    Dude should have to sit out game 5. He clearly was trying to injure Hathaway.

  12. shanster925

    I’m sure he’s fine scrounging together some pocket change for this as long as he gets to keep being a turd.

  13. OLPopsAdelphia

    Anyone know if he’s going to be suspended? If not, this should make for a very interesting game!

  14. Mahonneyy123

    Oh my goodness! He’s not even getting paid for this tournament. Prayers for Matt

  15. justaguy826

    NHL really has to raise the fining maximums, and it should be done as a percentage of player salary, not a number. $5K to a guy with a $76M contract is literally nothing. This doesn’t discourage dirty hits in any way whatsoever.

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