@Chicago Blackhawks

Pat Maroon hit on Jake McCabe – Have your say!

Pat Maroon hit Jake McCabe into the boards in overtime. There was no penalty on the play. Should there have been? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. I understand if the refs let a bit more go in ot in the playoffs (like soft hooks and holds) but this is clearly a late hit from behind on the numbers into the boards. How these are nhl refs is insane.

  2. Cheap hit from an irrelevant goon. He should have been ejected I guess for player safety….not that him playing ever affects the out come on the score board..

  3. I hate how in Overtime the refs just stop doing their job. There were plenty of missed calls on both teams that overtime and the refs just stayed out of it. I understand how they don't want to be blamed for a team winning or loosing but do your job.

  4. Late hit. Has time to stop. From behind. Should be a major penalty and 1 game suspension.

  5. Suspension needed for that Cliffard for Leafs got suspended for exact same hit on Tampa player last year playoffs

  6. So how does Lafferty get fined for crosschecking, but not Maroon for this hit? I'm not gonna argue Lafferty's fine, but if you're going to fine him, you have to fine Maroon too because of how blatant/dangerous this is.

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