@Calgary Flames

You heard the man! Promote Conroy!

You heard the man! Promote Conroy!

by backchecklund


  1. DavyDogFr

    If Iggy told me to jump off a bridge I would do it. Listen to the man, promote Conroy

  2. PaleAdagio3377

    Little brothers are always a bit behind developmentally. Sounds like a Lowe, mactavish moment coming up for the Flames.

  3. wiebegroup

    It made me smile a bit that he said “WE have a great guy…” not “you” or “they”. Iggy’s heart is still with us.

  4. mackharp0818

    Iggy saying “we” instantly makes me feel better after this shit season we just went through. An Oilers loss would add to it

  5. superace85

    Lol yes hire former players to manage your team. One of us ! One of us! One of us! Welcome to the dark side.

  6. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    I didn’t want Conroy. But if Iginla says we should want Conroy then I want Conroy

  7. robbhope

    Doesn’t really matter who GM is as long as Murray Edwards is around.

  8. robbhope

    Doesn’t really matter who GM is as long as Murray Edwards is around.

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