@Toronto Maple Leafs

Playoff Mo is a bad, bad man. Put some respect on this beauty.

Playoff Mo is a bad, bad man. Put some respect on this beauty.

by TheGapInTysonsTeeth


  1. MollyGibson84

    He becomes more powerful the more fucked up his face gets

  2. keith_ac

    Did he break his nose? I heard it somewhere but I don’t think / it doesn’t look broken

  3. 1UP4UScoobydoo

    How could you can be in the locker room with this guy looking at that face, and not step up your game. Man’s a warrior!

  4. Kamdog11

    I harped on his play all season and I even said they shouldn’t resign him, but I will gladly take the L

  5. Vilheim

    Never ever going to be upset that my first born son was named Rielly after him. Fuck all you haters, dude is a leader and a warrior.

  6. James_Man_Creamsdyke

    Elevates his game in the playoffs. And people wanted him gone all season 🙄

  7. justified_education

    Fucking hardened playoff veteren Mo Reilly


    Member when Reilly sucked ass? vs having a broken nose and scoring back to back key goals and an OT winner bleeding on himself with a black eye? Literally channeling fucking Tim Horton out there.

  9. Reminds me of beerfest, when it starts to fade, Schenn might have to do him a solid.

  10. Don’t you know he viciously murdered Point in cold blood the other day :p

  11. BobbyCrispyGuitar

    What Wayne Gretzky said about losing to the Islanders in the 1981 playoffs; ‘They were bruised and we weren’t’. The playoffs are a totally different beast than the regular season, where toughness and endurance play a bigger roll in games.

  12. RichRingoLangly

    His black eye will be immortalized when we win the cup.

  13. TheFoundation_

    That’s David kampf bro it says right behind him trust me bro

  14. Jmac24mats13

    Any criticism he got since coming back from injury got wiped immediately in the playoffs. Dudes been lights out and a true leader

  15. jkilla1987

    So happy for Morgan. You can tell he puts in heart and soul into representing the leafs and it’s amazing to see all his hard work pay off. Guys been an absolute stud so far. Keep it going Mo!

  16. FonziesCousin

    Love it that he is enemy No. 1 in Tampa and he got the OT winner in Game 3 and also was strong in Game 4.

    I’m ordering Pizzaville tonight!

  17. Brokedowndad

    I can’t recall the last time we had a boo-bird for the enemy team each time they touched the puck – that isn’t related to a salty fanbase upset about a free-agent moving here.

    Black-eyed Mo is best Mo.

  18. thejonslaught

    A man so hard, his veins bleed ice. Score from the blue line? He’ll do it twice!

  19. mcmike8

    Did anybody actually see what happened to his nose / face / eye? I didn’t see a single camera shot of him taking a punch or cheap shot. It obviously happened in that scrum after the Point collision but didn’t see more beyond that.

  20. kuro_madoushi

    Looks like Toronto’s unofficial mascot

  21. Beersmoker420

    regardless of how bad he is on the defensive side, he’s pretty much the lifeblood of the team whenever anything positive happens as well.

    Also a true leaf for lifer

  22. chostax-

    Getting Russel Crowe Gladiator vibes haha

  23. danlawl

    I fucking love how people write this man off and have since he was a rookie. I hope he retires as a Leaf.

    What a fucking warrior. Lost my fucking mind when he tied the game.

    So happy this guy is locked up til 29/30

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