@Calgary Flames

Calgary arena deal reached, new event centre will be built in Rivers District; Deal valued at 1.2B

Calgary arena deal reached, new event centre will be built in Rivers District; Deal valued at 1.2B

by MonkeySailor


  1. CaptinDerpI



  2. yeastneast

    Premier Smith: “oh and also the province can’t officially decide to commit this funding until after the election, oops, better vote for us then!”

    edit: I see all the replies but I stand by my comment because that is exactly how smith framed it.

  3. __-_------___---

    đŸ«Ą Enjoy the Saddledome while you can

  4. joustswindmills

    who owns what is what i want to know. i need the minutiae!

  5. I want to know when this project is supposed to be done.

    EDIT: Thank you to the media for asking this question, they had no answer for this yet.

    Also want to know where exactly the “Rivers District” will be? I assume basically where it is now?

    EDIT 2: The Rivers District does in fact refer to basically the same place the Stampede grounds are now, as it refers to the location where the Bow meets the Elbow.

  6. Patty_Lank

    I’m an oilers fan and I love that you guys are getting a new rink. Its good for both of our cities and teams. However the provincial funding definitely pisses me off

  7. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    Francis actually asking good questions about the timeline of the arena. Extremely rare Francis W


    Not a Calgary res. Where is the River District?

  9. raspoutine049

    The presser is literally not telling us anything except a lot of hot air, just that the cost has gone up over significantly and bundled with other developments so they can justify over billion dollar project.

  10. Hungry-Raisin-5328

    Yeah, that’s a lot of tax money…

  11. SauronOMordor

    I just wanna know how revenue is gonna be split.

  12. BenzMan217

    So, CSEC gets richer (cost of going to the game will increase) and team is still mediocre

    City pays more than rich owners

    Premier uses their portion to help influence their popularity in upcoming election.

    I’m excited for a new event center but don’t loose sight of the facts.

  13. Lots of unanswered questions on this and details to be worked out

  14. phohunna

    I’m happy. It’s a big chunk of change but we do need to invest in things like this if we care about entertainment in the city, especially as one of the fastest growing cities in Canada.

    The funding is going toward more than just the arena (the entire Rivers District revitalization), and the province is stepping up to fund non-arena related infrastructure.

  15. Canadeon

    Let’s hope they put in enough washrooms this time.

  16. carrots_and_beets

    I foresee a lot of drama in the coming months.

  17. weschester

    I absolutely hate how much taxpayer money is going towards this. Like “yay we get a new arena” but come on it’s just fucking ridiculous and wrong.

    Edit: Downvote away but if you live in Calgary or anywhere in Alberta this deal should make you furious.

  18. darth_henning

    The inclusion of the community rink, transport infrastructure, and public spaces makes this a much more reasonable public investment IMHO.

  19. hiptragicallybroken

    Hello Calgary, Montrealer here .

    I would like to congratulate you all on a long overdue new area deal.

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