@National Hockey League

We wont hear the end of it from LeafsNation

We wont hear the end of it from LeafsNation

by Quiet_Spend


  1. wjpd236

    To be fair, they haven’t heard the end of it from us for the last two decades

  2. greenpill98

    Series ain’t over, yet.

    Unhatched eggs. Don’t count them.

  3. Grizzly_Addams

    I am not impressed by Diet Chicago.

  4. C-Notations

    TO BE FAIR~ both of the come from behind upsets in their series made for amazing hockey, it’s just that it’s exemplified because it’s the Leafs

  5. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Still holding out hope for another epic meltdown 😁

  6. nimama3233

    More like:

    Left: this sub when the Leafs win

    Right: normal casuals

  7. Fart_Milk

    Let them have their fill because the Leafs fans probably won’t hear the end of it if they blow this series.

    Unlikely probably, but I remain cautiously optimistic…

  8. sololegend89

    So what?… if they close it out, let them have their moment.

  9. fishsandwichpatrol

    Gotta win the series before you talk smack.

  10. Fastsmitty47

    They have a right to be excited. Rising from the dead and taking two games in Tampa before going back home up 3-1

  11. unclelayman

    Very annoying fan base, but if I lived with that pain, I’d be fucking insufferable

  12. ElectionAnnual

    Never forget the Wings had CHI pinned 3-1 when no one thought that would happen. The , they stormed back and went on to win the cup. Tampa with the 3rd???? Lol

  13. Ramulus14

    Don’t they always blow it after going up 3-1? Sure someone here remembers

  14. sheldonOrange

    this. I actually like the leafs team and a lot of leaf fans but I can’t imagine how terrible it will be if those Arrogant ones get any fuel

  15. lordofninemoons

    Can we just have this one win? None of us Leaf fans are delusional about the position we’re in lol all of us are very cautious about our emotions for game 5. Let us enjoy this moment.

  16. JackBunny1988

    They’ll be more insufferable than THE STILLERS GAHNTAH SUPER BOWL and HOW BOUT DEM BOYS crowds, which is saying a lot

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