@Chicago Blackhawks

Max Domi needlessly endangering an official – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Max Domi goes out of his way to drag Matt Dumba out of the pile and punch him even when he’s unable to defend himself, and well after he was instructed not to do so by an official. This is being the aggressor and instigator of an altercation. Furthermore, it’s needlessly endangering an official, which under the Tough Call system calls for an automatic suspension.


  1. Linesman endangered himself. An important senior player went down unconscious after a hit, you know there’s going to be a fight. Don’t get in the way and actually impede Dumba’s ability to protect himself.

  2. Agreed, 5 games for Domi but also 5 games for Kaprizov who joins their little fun?

  3. You just butt hurt Domi kicked your boys ass. He deserved after laughing and smiling at Pev after that.

  4. Looks like the Dallas fan club came over to this video after your Dumba hit breakdown. They should realize that you are, in fact, a Dallas fan…. Getting a hack like Domi off your team for 5 games would be a huge advantage… All jokes aside… I know a few former and current NHL refs. I texted one of them to ask about the hit. He said (quote) "Clean hit. Domi should be gone. Thats 2-5 and a game ALL DAY. Wild should be on PP for 5". I agree. Not sure about a 5 game suspension. That seems a bit steep unless he actually hit an official (intentionally or unintentionally).

  5. LMAO… 5 games for what?
    This is common place in todays NHL – you hit a star (clean or not) someone will go after you… everyone in the league knows it… Domi is 5'10 and not a tough guy, Dumba is just a classless POS that laid out a player with a clean but violent hit (with intent to injure) and was grinning while Joe was laid out.
    Domi did what he is expected to do.

  6. I am happy Domi stepped up. May not have been intentional but someone should have went after him. The End

  7. Oh shut up! Endagering the linesmaen, ahaha what a joke. Dumba got wrecked by the smaller more aggressive Domi. Hope Sutter breaks Kaprizov ribs. Wild are a trash team with trash players, Ryan Reeves is also a worthless joke. Litteraly the only reason yall even needed to play dirty, cause Wild have no talent.

  8. Why are the officials stepping in like this? Is this a league wide mandate? Their job should be to enforce the rules of the game, not “protect” the players. Obviously that is asking for trouble, they aren’t armed, they aren’t wearing armor, etc.

    Domi can face his own consequences. Dumba can face his own consequences, answer for the hit whether we think he has anything to answer for or not, and other players can and will jump in if it goes sideways.

  9. If you really wanted to hammer home the "needlessly endangering" someone, I think you got the call wrong, bud. The high, blindside hit that did in fact needlessly endanger someone moreso fits this narrative. I am a Stars fan, I know it was a clean, although marginally late hit, but a player got knocked out cold, visibly distressed and this is the takeaway?

  10. Domi didn’t endanger anybody other than Dumba, which was well deserved. He’s basically Tom Wilson in a Minnesota jersey.

  11. I’m happy Domi stood up for his team mate that’s what you are supposed to do not just in hockey but in life. There should be no suspensions for that, There should of been a 5 minute major on Dumba though for that late hit. Oh well just have to deal with it Hatcher/Roenick style I guess since the league doesn’t want to do anything about it

  12. Max Domi did what any decent teammate would do. In real time that hit looked high. Normally i can't stand the guy, but he gets credit from me for this.

  13. Was the hit on pavelski clean? i personally dont think so bc dumba had his stick up and it didnt seem like he was doing for the puck at all. Plus it did seem on the latter end of the "check time" so this was a dirty hit in my book imo. Any1 else got a dif view point?

  14. No games…Hockey has turned into a liberal sissy sport..Already killed the other three major Sports.

  15. I thought whining was for soccer players, not hockey fans.

    5 games? Lol. Ridiculous, and I don’t hear any league chatter about it so pretty clearly not gonna happen. Waste of a video.

  16. What a dumb snowflake title it's called hockey the NBA's in their playoffs maybe you'd be better off watching the NBA

  17. Let them police themselves in a situation like this the Zebras think people pay to see then enough its hockey not Disney on ice

  18. So tried of people bitching about clean hits. Domi should have gotten something but, not the five games your talking about.

  19. Remember when hockey was the "tough guy" game? Not the "tough call" game? This dude is clearly a Wild wannabe.

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