@New York Islanders

The most BRUTAL way to get scored on

We all know hockey players are the toughest athletes in the world, especially come play off time. These guys guys go to war. Well, in tonights New York Islanders vs the Carolina Hurricanes game, we got another example of exactly that. After Engvall puts one on net, it hits Aho and suddenly it’s in the back of the net and Aho is leaking. He went straight to the dressing room as the puck hit Aho in the face and before the puck hit the ice, Brock Nelson batted it out of the air and scored. A wild goal I dont know I have ever seen before but not only did it hit Aho right in the teeth, he wasn’t wearing a mouth guard so you’d imagine it will have taken some chiclets. With that said, just 10 minutes of clock time later and who was right back on the bench? Sebastian Aho with 5 stitches and ready to play. Not only did he come back, but he also scored a goal in a fight to take the series. I cover it all in todays NHL hockey video!

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs #highlights #newyorkislanders #carolinahurricanes


  1. is the score a high stick since he hit it from above the shoulders? kinda confusing as a new hockey fan what is and isn't.

  2. The focus of Nelson to see that puck hit him in the face, and then bat it out of the air into the goal ….

  3. Very good piece, well stated and great way to show EXACTLY HOW TOUGH NHL players TRULY ARE! Only one small correction, Nelson is wearing a visor, not a cage, but nonetheless nonetheless, great report and "All About Aho" which you did! Keep up the great work!

  4. The words "tough" and "hockey player" went out the window 25 years ago. NOBODY in the nhl today has ANY balls. And no one playing today could be a shit stain in Vic James underwear. Hockey, like everything else in life, is FULL of Sissies and boys who like boys.

  5. Lmao can u imagine this in any other sport? They'd be out for a month ATLEAST

  6. Pretty wild contrast to the NBA playoffs. They'll sit out out games for allergies. 10 ply league.

  7. Face assist for the opposing team. Yikes. Toughest athletes for sure. Nfl and moto/supercross are the next up.

  8. Just stupid to not wear a visor. Overall, I think it's just plain stupid that NHL players don't wear cages. This is not an uncommon thing in the NHL. Players so often deflect pucks to their own face….esp as defensemen. This stuff is a product of television…and people wanting to see the faces of players. Not even an issue in junior hockey.

  9. I'm a big NHL fan and a big NBA fan. It makes me really happy seeing how tough hockey players are. NBA players are literally some of the biggest men on the planet but also some of the softest men on the planet

  10. Basically everything that could’ve gone wrong for the canes did last night, and they still only lost by a goal.

  11. the winnipegs guy whole face almost came off and he kept playing the next period, man i love hockey

  12. I had to get stitched up on the corner of my mouth after getting fish hooked by someone's stick. That ranks pretty high on my "uncomfortable" injury list.

  13. Nice recap! Always had a soft spot for the Islanders! Would be nice to see them pull a rabbit out of the hat and take the series! But I’m not betting on this.

  14. Pavelski had one bounce off his mouth into the net for a goal in San Jose courtesy of Brent burns slap shot

  15. I've always wondered what percentage of active NHL players are missing teeth? I imagine it's a much lower percentage today than 20 years ago.

  16. As an RN in the OR, I can see the Dermabond on that lip. The team MD likely did some Monocryl or Chromic Gut suture to get a function seal on the lip corner and coated it with Dermabond, it dries in like 2 min. Some Lidocaine with epinephrine to help control bleeding and he’s back on the ice.

  17. Crazy he didn’t even wear a cage imagine if he had gotten hit in the face again, even if just with a glove. Oof.

  18. Actually he apparently didn’t end up losing teeth. Pretty sure some reporter and the team twt acc said so. Either way wouldn’t expect anything less from Fishy. Carrying the team yet again

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