@Florida Panthers

Radko Gudas vs Luca Sbisa Nov 22, 2013

Radko Gudas vs Luca Sbisa from the Tampa Bay Lightning at Anaheim Ducks game on Nov 22, 2013.


  1. Hold Gudas and let Sbisa throw great job linesman!!! If you can't handle your player let they fight!

  2. This may sound wrong but I hope a linesman get ko'd soon. The amount of fights they have stopped early while the 2 guys are still swinging is ridiculous!!! Maybe if 1 gets hurt, they might take notice and only jump in when the fighters fall or get tired out!!

  3. Gudas got what he deserved. Keep hitting players smaller than you and you are gonna get your ass kicked.

  4. All you fucks hate Gudas because he is not on your team. The guy is a gritty bastard that any fan and coach would want on his team.

  5. Total cheap shot from Sbisa. If the refs would actually let these dudes fight that shot never would've landed, at least not the way it did. 

  6. I find it funny how people are getting mad at Gudas for hitting someone smaller than him when Gudas is only 6'0, plus this is hockey, not soccer

  7. I dont see why so many people hate Gudas, he's honestly a great humble player. Definitely not a "douchebag", that's Hartnell.

  8. the funny thing is that Sbisa is out 6-8 weeks with a torn tendon is his hand. Oh and Gudas is a BEAST

  9. You don't hit Selanne like he hit him last week and not pay. I like Gudas and he is sandpaper the Lightning need but that hit was punk.

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