@National Hockey League

C’monnnnnn Seattleeeeeee

C’monnnnnn Seattleeeeeee

by TheCutterButter


  1. toxic_badgers

    Its a pretty easy win when the avs are missing their top line though.

  2. y-djura

    Its a painful season to watch. we finally had a healthy team and 5 games later everythings f’ed again. Seattle is tough tho they are playing great hockey

  3. Architeuthis_McCrew

    I was told Seattle wasn’t a hockey town. I was told Colorado was going to sweep the Kraken.

  4. utensilman69

    Let’s get Kraken Krack heads 🐙

  5. metal_bastard

    Kraken are looking sharp, but I keep seeing this “versus a team in its second ever season” as if the players have never been in the NHL or like it takes years to be cup contender.

    The Avalanche won their first cup their first year in Colorado and Florida was only in their third year. Las Vegas went to the cup their first year. It’s really not that big of a deal.

    I think it cheapens how good the Kraken are when people say “And it’s only their second year!”…


    I’m gonna say rn, this Kraken offense has been beating the bricks off the Avalanche. They will win this series

  7. leese216

    I still say Avs because I’m hopeful.

    If not, Oilers for Western Conference Champs.

  8. Rooting for you, Kraken! Make Denver saaaaad.

  9. zamplexus

    Must… Resist… The urge to blame Avs performance on injuries. But… It’s just not fair 😩

  10. Tileguy0425

    I have to ask. How does one just choose to be a fan of a new team if you don’t live in the city, like Seattle, and LV. I get if an nhl team comes to your city. Home team pride. But I see seattle and Lv gear in east coast Canada. Just seems weird to jump on board. Because I’m guessing these people have been hockey fans for years and already had teams they cheered for.

  11. reenactment

    I just hope the kraken can seal the deal. Them getting makar back with McCan still out sucks.

  12. soiledmeNickers

    As a CBJ fan I am so happy with the extremely early success the new franchises of Seattle and Vegas are experiencing. 🫠

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