@Columbus Blue Jackets

Do the Columbus Blue Jackets Have a CULTURE Problem?

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  1. Also My reasoning on why Torts is getting the blame is because the media who are the ones who tell us these things HATE THE GUYS GUTS! I love how brutally honest Torts is and the damn Media journalists are too sensitive so when Torts calls him an idiot they take it personally.

  2. As somebody who’s actually lives in Ohio and very close to Columbus, it’s not the city at all. All those guys that left were situational. No it’s not Torts either. Rick Nash left because they wouldn’t build a team around him, Panarin always wanted to play for the Rangers, Bobrovsky wanted bigger pay but Jarmo knew he wasn’t worth overpaying (and he was right cause look at him in Florida) and I don’t really count Duchene and Dzingel cause they weren’t here for that long anyways.

    As far as Dubois? That’s one nobody actually has an idea as to why he bailed.

  3. First of, great content keep it up.
    And then….sorry in advance.

    I think it is a mix of everything said in the video and comment's. Columbus may not be the most talked about hockey market or city for that matter, if you don't count the last few days, so what Neil said makes sense.
    As a Finnish person I can somehow relate with Jarmo and him not "overpaying" individuals.
    We may have a little bit of a "lets not spend too much" combined with "together, slowly and with time" kind of mentality. (Look at the world championships. Finland were underdogs who slowly grew together to win it all.)

    This is a risky strategy and can be taken as an insult by some players who feel they should get paid more at the moment (and they have the right to feel so), or as stated in the comments, the team doesn't build around a certain player.
    I'm not saying that only Finnish people work hard together as a team, I'm just looking at it from a different perspective. If it makes sense.

    This new situation with a young Finnish 'superstar' working with a fellow Finn as GM (and they know each other) may suddenly change Jarmo's actions, or not.
    In any case, if Jarmo can get Laine to sign a longer contract (I hope he can pull i off) it will be great for Columbus as a hockey market.
    To bad it didn't work out with Dubois though.

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