@New Jersey Devils

My favorite moment from the ESPN broadcast

My favorite moment from the ESPN broadcast

by yoboi42069


  1. NJDevs30

    The only thing that would have made this better is cutting to the BK whopper as soon as the next commercial break started. ESPN is in bed with the Rags so this would unfortunately never happen

  2. McRibs2024

    That moment was beautiful. Fuck 1994, MM is an assbag, and god damn the announcers were awful.

  3. Hitman5286

    “Impartial broadcast” Did they reference 95, 00, or 03 at all? Doubt it.

  4. DawgMutt05

    Fakest sports related story in NHL history. There was no grandiose locker room speech or any type of emotional guarantee, sugary sweet type of Hollywood movie story that the NYC-centric press and stupid NYR fans want you to believe. All that happened was reporter asked him if he is guaranteeing a Rangers win for Game 6 and he responded: “yes” or “yeah”. And that’s it. He never said “we will win tonight”, that’s why it’s not in quotes. The reporter just wrote that one word down on their notebook or recorded it on their microcassette recorder and turned into a typical, larger than life NY story. Yawn….

    Oh and on a sidenote: as for the supposed 1.5-2.5 million people who showed up at the NYR Stanley Cup parade? All that happened was a bunch of Manhattan office workers heard a large commotion out in the street and went outside to investigate what was happening. BAM! And just like that, there’s your instant 1.5 million. Yawn.

    And all the NYR did was ride the Knicks coattails in 1994, like they are doing now. Nobody cares about hockey in NY except for their tiny fanbase of 18,200. They are taking a backseat to the NFL draft, the Aaron Rodgers story, Knicks, Belmont Stakes, both baseball teams early season games and that ESPN reporter fired at the Aaron Judge interview. NYR news is nothing more than tiny blurbs on the backpages.

  5. riccarjo

    I really try to be unbiased, normally I’m like “Well yes they’re talking about the Rangers, but they’re also saying a lot about the Devils!”


    Oh my god it was so bad last night. Literally anything the Devils did good was actually the Rangers just not performing the way they should.


    Every. Fucking. Time.


    Then to show this shit? How the fuck is this part of a national broadcast!?

  6. xxfatpigxx

    This sequence on the broadcast was hilarious. Hyping up old ass history to just promptly get dunked on by a Haula empty netter as soon as they get back to the broadcast. Screw Messier, show me Henrique jumping into the arms of Ponikarovsky and Kovalchuk after leaping into the glass in 2012.

  7. donOFsquan

    You would seriously think our 5 cup appearances never happened haha, and guess what? I love it. Keep hating haters.

  8. Jabberhockey30

    The Devils/Rangers rivalry since 94 in a nutshell: going on and on about 94 while the Devils actually do shit lol

  9. As a fan of the Canucks & Devils…fuck that guy

  10. Sauronsindexfinger

    Lots of the Rangers need to play better comments. This is it. This is what they are. They are playing the best they can. It just isn’t better. Lol

  11. darklightrabbi

    Buckle up because it’s going to be infinitely worse on Saturday when we are actually in game 6 and are all forced to watch the ABC/ESPN broadcast.

  12. IsstvanIII

    Hahahahahaha suck my fuckin cock ESPN

  13. This_Cable_5849

    Ray Ferraro is good. The dude nutted on air after Nico’s kick pass to Haula. Stop crying guys…

    Every major network will always lean toward the NY team. I bet Saturday will show some devils highlights from years past.

  14. Njdevilmn

    This “national” coverage is such garbage!!! It just makes me appreciate Doc that much more!!!

  15. FormerCollegeDJ

    As I said in the game thread last night, Mark Messier isn’t walking through that door for the Rangers in 2023.

  16. libo-risk

    Been watching the Rags next day rebroadcasts on MSG. Even Sam Rosen and Joe Micheletti aren’t as obviously biased as the jack offs on ESPN/ABC.

  17. MrMooMoo91

    Some of the most 1 sided “impartial” broadcasts ever but fuck them. We have never needed to be darlings of the league.

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