@New Jersey Devils

Akira Schmid pushes the Rangers to the brink with a Game 5 shutout!

Akira Shmid continues his stellar run of goalie play for the New Jersey Devils, as he pitches a shutout in a pivotal Game 5 matchup to give the New Jersey Devils a 3-2 series lead and a chance to eliminate their bitter rivals in Game 6!


  1. Overrated goalie. He's playing against tomato cans of course he's gonna look good….

  2. This New Jersey Devils team don't play around. And this shutout win shows why. They play tough hockey out there.

  3. The rangers were outplayed on both sides of the ice. They better get their game together fast. Shmitd looks unbeatable right now.

  4. Anyone see Panarin not hustle to get back on that one goal? Kind of defines the team right now.

  5. So many times tonight the momentum could've shifted but Akira was on his game as usual.

    Cant remember the last time a goalie who had such minimal playing time in the regular season, looked this amazing in the playoffs.

  6. The hockey gods want all of these First Round series to go 7. Even the mighty Bruins have to wait til tomorrow to close out the Panthers.

  7. Schmid was unreal but what was that effort from our top 6, guys need to step it up and not get embarrassed

  8. Utica fan here: Keep him, he's done enough for us in the AHL. Now you go give that man a throne.

  9. Sabres fan pulling for the Devils this year. Lindy deserves a cup!

    I have a feeling Buffalo is going to be seeing this team in the playoffs very soon.

  10. Well I certainly didn't expect the Rangers to lose 3 straight but the Devils were due to win a home game & they did it in fine fashion… SHUTOUT…

  11. Respect to Vanecek with the hug to Schmid at the end.. I'm sure he's happy about the team's win but this must really tough to watch on the sidelines to see a rookie be this dominant after allowing so many goals in game 1 & 2. Schmid is not only skilled, but you can tell he has that winning blood inside him, something that cannot be taught. This is the future Devils starter and I think will be hoisting the cup within a few years. Devils are good, but not ready to take it all this year.

  12. I love this sport but I just hate watching it sometimes hopefully we can take tie the series up next game

  13. Not going to say I'm happy with the result, but I'm not just a Rangers fan, I'm a hockey fan. And the Devils have played great when no one thought they would, and they deserve all the credit in the world. Any bets now that the general consensus is that the Devils have all but won the series that the Rangers play great next game? When it comes to being a hockey fan, I look at trends, at stats, and who is getting hot when before I make a prediction as to how I think a series will go. It has been decades since I applied that thinking to being a Rangers fan. I just watch and hope they win, and accept the results. I am NEVER surprised no matter what happens. But I'll say it. LGR!!!!

  14. Thank you to the kids who bullied him in school for his japanese name… he took hockey seriously after that

  15. he looks kinda slow, but he is just …methodical? no jitters, no crazy nonsense, just always in position and "oh a puck I guess I save it" kinda attitude.
    Maybe it is becase he's so big and can really trust the position to do a lot for him?

  16. The Rangers have NOT played how they should the past 3 games, Schmid is decent but this is more on the NY Rangers just completely losing their game.

  17. Akira didnt push the rangers. The rangers push themselves to the brink by playing so garbage

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