@Winnipeg Jets

[Wiebe] Elliotte Friedman is reporting that Kevin Cheveldayoff is going to be back for a 13th season.

[Wiebe] Elliotte Friedman is reporting that Kevin Cheveldayoff is going to be back for a 13th season.

by eh_toque


  1. DistortedReflector

    You know what they say, 13th time is the charm!

  2. Limp-Might7181

    They are gonna run it back again holy fuck

  3. Tooth_Revolutionary

    Can’t say I’m surprised by this (although I do think it’s time to move on from him). I hope he speaks on the path forward for this team so those of us worried he’s going to try to run it back are proven wrong (me included). He and his team are fantastic at drafting and developing, I don’t think that can be debated too much. If the plan is to rebuild, he may be able to help steer the ship through that, but will have to be willing to move pieces that he’s developed. We’ll see.

    I’m hoping we’re not marching towards years of frustration. I think most jets fans would prefer to watch a young and exciting team, even if they’re not successful than to watch a team muddle it’s way into a low playoff seat and not go anywhere.

  4. MrMundaneMoose

    I’ll be happily surprised if this core finds any success if they run it back. I don’t see how it happens unless we’re incredibly lucky.

    I can’t see Chevy retooling this team though. If he’s back, so is the same team.

    Scheif, Helle, and PLD are all gonna walk into free agency for nothing and we’re gonna be in an even worse position than we are now.

  5. powerplay_22

    if he commits to making some big time changes i don’t really care that much, even tho i think it’s time for some new faces in the FO

  6. CP-Drone

    I for one, welcome our ~~new~~ old Overlords.

  7. mr_scorpion_sir

    I’m very glad to be done with my season tickets. I’m sad to see them go but I’m happy to show my displeasure with this organization with my wallet.

  8. skilzkid

    Although we probably need more, if he gets rid of 55 and 80 I’ll be okay. Hopefully Wheeler goes as well but since he only has one more year on his contract and they probably can’t get too much for a 36-year-old guy, I wouldn’t be surprised if he stays for lack of better options.

  9. Electroflare5555

    It has to be nice to have a very high paying job with zero expectations or requirements to succeed

  10. erin_of_aimsir


  11. WhyssKrilm

    I have no problem with him returning, so long as he has finally accepted that this core is fatally flawed, and does something about it. It’s really easy to call for his head today, but I’d wager most of the people doing so were perfectly satisfied with his performance 4 months ago. He assembled an impressive collection of talent, and his new coach seemed to be getting the kind of results out of it that we’d all been expecting the past few years. He didn’t botch trades, or overrule this scouts to waste draft picks on busts, which are where most GMs usually lose the plot. He clearly thought the talent he had put together just needed the right coach to get them pulling in the same direction, and through the first 50ish games of the season, we all would have agreed with that assessment. Having said all that, if he hasn’t made 2 significant trades by draft day, he’ll need to go

  12. Gnovakane

    Fire a GM that has put together a roster that has made the post season 5 out of the least seasons?
    Was never going to happen.

  13. JorroHass

    Chevy is being given the chance to take old Yeller out back himself.

  14. LaytonsCat

    Honestly I think Chevy has done a pretty good job, but for one reason or another it didn’t work out and that’s ok. Time to give someone else a try

  15. SherLocK-55

    So let’s run it back confirmed? Surely this time will be different, I believe in this core, this isn’t fantasy hockey guys, real life and shit.


  16. waitwhosaidthat

    I really don’t think this is really on the gm. He built a team that on paper should be better than they were. It’s a chemistry thing with the players. Sometimes it just doesn’t work. He’s made some good trades in his time so far especially getting decent returns for players that wanted out. It’s hard to get players to sign in Winnipeg, probably the toughest gm job in the league. He’s drafted pretty well, and has developed some good players.

  17. TheGreatStories

    Least surprising news and by far the most discouraging.

  18. We don’t need a rebuild. Just some depth and a 1-2 Defenceman.

    There is lots of trade value on the Jets. We also have 6 mil in cap space.

  19. ruffvoyaging

    Well that’s a failure on Chipman’s part to listen to the fanbase. Now we will have to see if Chevy fails too. He doesn’t deserve the opportunity to rebuild, but he better damn well do it anyway, or the organization will have worse ticket sales than this past year.

  20. Watari210

    I can deal with Chevy coming back… IF he finally accepts the writing on the wall and goes in on the retool. Scheif has to go, wheels will probably stay because of his contract but we NEED to see some damned leadership in the locker room.

    The jets have a talented enough team to make deep playoff runs, they just need to play like they care if they win or lose.

    You don’t need to blow it up, but you gotta shake it up or it’s just gonna be the same disappointment over again.

  21. BrilliantSundae7545


  22. raxnahali

    There u have it, no rebuild. Bones fired tomorrow, 2 big pieces moved before next season due 2 contracts. Status quo.

  23. I’m glad he is back. He has won every major trade he has made. Even the ones everyone on here, including myself were upset with.

    The fact remains the Jets have been competitive even though he is handcuffed by the fact NO ONE wants to play in Winnipeg. This is our biggest problem. Fucking nobody, wants to be here yet he still makes it work for the most part year after year. Hell, even our fucking coach said fuck this to go coach in Florida. Even coming into this year most people thought we would be a dumpster fire and he assembled a team that was top in the west for sometime. Do I think we need to move on from Wheeler and Schief? Yes. Am I willing to give Cheveldayoff the benefit of the doubt? Absolutely

  24. WatchTheNorthEndDie

    Fucking joke of an ownership group. Lol.

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