@Calgary Flames

Nazem Kadri slams stick in penalty box, hits NHL official

Watch as a frustrated Nazem Kadri slams his stick while entering the penalty box and accidentally catches an NHL in the face with the butt end of his stick.


  1. Best agitator in the league it's his job for you to hate him and it's clearly working

  2. Why do people get racist in the comments when ever kadri is mentioned. Dont call yourself a hockey fan lol. Plus the leafs are doing good beacuse of him and matthews.

  3. The official had a temper tantrum. Officials get knocked into benches accidentally all the time. They don't cry like bitches after

  4. He’s lucky he didn’t get the butt end of his stick in the time keepers eye. That would of been suspension time. Kadri has got to learn to keep his temper in check. He lost his cool after getting hit by pacoriety against Montreal last week too. It’s a physical game and emotions get high but you cant lose it after getting hit when he dishes out physical hits the same way. Eventually he will gain a reputation as a player with a short fuse and other players will use that to take him off his game costing him penalties and possibly games for his team.

  5. Kadri plays feisty not like the girly Matthews.. Who is too soft.. This is a real hockey player.. Dougie Gilmour revived

  6. It wasn’t intentional but still a stupid childish move by Kadri. He shouldn’t of been penalized but he needs to relax. Good job by the official.

  7. Why isn’t there much talk about his 9 game points streak??? Instead they keep talking about this incident. You can clearly tell that he was very upset with the call and accidentally hit the official in the box.

  8. Lets talk about his point streak and one point behind over rated Matthews in the team for scoring " They can plan as much as they want'' but HE IS THE BEST OF PLANNERS!

  9. Matthews should start playing like Kadri..reminds me of Dougie gilmour! Miss you Dougie..

  10. he got cross checked twice and then he gets called for retaliating? Get new refs already and that guy that Kadri hit, was just to fat and got in the way, probably an American!

  11. Everyone saying Kadri has the right to be angry are dumb as hell. Watch from the beginning. Matheson cross checked him because he tried to board Pysyk. He got pissed because Matheson got him back

  12. He hit the official, i would take kadri’s stick and break in to a half and cut hes face If i was the official….

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