@Edmonton Oilers

RAW | Jay Woodcroft 04.30.23

Jay speaks to the media as the coach looks back on the series against the Kings and talks about the upcoming matchup with the Golden Knights.


  1. To obtain financial freedom, one must either be a business owner, an investor or both, generating passive income, particularly on a monthly basic.

  2. 1 broken stick, whether player or goalie, happening at the wrong time, can cost a franchise millions of dollars of revenue in a playoff series. The broken stick epidemic needs to be addressed by Bettman and the NHL.

  3. 👍❤️ The broken stick tying goal really could have gone the other way and anything can happen game 7. Really impressed with how this team handled that.

  4. Differences between this year's roster and previous years:
    Depth – Broberg is the only skater not to score a point PLUS 10 different goal-scorers and 4 different GWG scorers.
    Resilience – the 3-0 comeback; that goal off the broken stick could have resulted in the Oil folding – nope.
    Jay "tiniest water bottle" Woodcroft

  5. Some clown tried to claim that saying "uh" and "umm" reflected a lack of intelligence, and I pointed out that it was the opposite because it indicates a person was thinking before speaking.

    I wonder what that person would say now after he's been able to beat an incredibly smart coach that had a sound gameplan to beat the Oilers with its superstars.

  6. Man that stick break was horrible! Or was Skinner saying I'll give you this one we still got time to win😂 but seriously that game had me getting anxious at the end it was tight

  7. Flames finished top last season and we whooped their ass.. vegas will be a more fun series

  8. i wonder how much sleep the coaching staff get after a game, and before the endless barrage of interviews? the guy has gotta be exhausted.

  9. It's alright Jay…We can beat the Las Vegas easily…They are NOT even a Tough team as same as LA Kings…OILERS in 5 👍

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