@National Hockey League

Oh how the turn tables.

Oh how the turn tables.

by CasperCann


  1. BubbaSpanks

    Yeah but they still cheated!!!……lmao

  2. Mitcheeeey

    I hate Boston, Marchand and Jack Edwards their crap commentator can get stuffed😂

  3. bruinsCHOKEjobpats07

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA haha hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 biggest CHOKE. in NHL history

  4. Chowdah-head

    This meme dedicated to the 4 or 5 Bruins fans that think this was the ref’s fault.

  5. They won a Stanley Cup with help from both Refs and the league. Cry me a river.

  6. dumbthiccrick

    Uh it’s more than just powerplay goals, not that the Bruins didn’t eliminate themselves with poor play but officiating has been horrendous for every series

  7. Colorado might be able to claim that, but I think they were right when they were, justifiable when they weren’t

    Boston? Fat chance I’ll ever let them spew on about refs

  8. luongolet20goalsin

    Who is blaming the refs? I blame their shit defensive zone play and overall effort. They were just trash, Florida deserved the win.

  9. TheHip41

    Florida up 2-0

    Refs. Keep calling phantom penalties until game is tied

  10. Lazy-Refrigerator-56

    They got so caught up in their “record breaking season” they forgot an NHL truism: Coast thru the last 5 or 6 games of the season and save some juice for the playoffs. They got beaten by a team with 40 fewer points. The regular season doesn’t mean sh*t

  11. Food_Library333

    Refs didn’t screw us. We choked it away.

  12. Fun-Plankton8234

    So… I haven’t heard any fans blaming the refs – I’m sure it’s happening, I’m just not hearing it.

    I am hearing blame for Monty and Bergeron and Lindholm.

    Monty specifically. Garbage coaching job the whole series.

  13. UncleRicosWig

    I don’t recall that criticism from anyone. It’s all on the coaching and players.

  14. Playingwithmyrod

    The refs weren’t great but holy shit I’ve never seen a professional sports team just vomit all overthemselves like that over multiple games.

    Like no one can one up the Falcons for a single game choke but the expectations and being up 3-1 in the series….come on.

  15. theTallBoy

    I blame the fact that the Bs became unhealthy at the wrong time and Fla became healthy at the right time.

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