@Colorado Avalanche

Something just doesn’t add up… Guess it makes for good money to have a new team make it to the 2nd round

Something just doesn’t add up… Guess it makes for good money to have a new team make it to the 2nd round

by TrainerSouth9802


  1. manbeqrpig

    Shut up with the conspiracy BS. The Avs lost because they were the worse team not some conspiracy. The most obvious answer is usually the correct one and the most obvious answer with these suspension decisions is DPOS incompetence

  2. There’s no conspiracy. Sure the DoPS sucks ass, but that has been a thing for as long as the department has existed. Avs did not lose because Makar got a game and Eberle didn’t. Avs lost because outside of the top line nobody could score.

  3. pueblogreenchile

    I mean I’m not super into conspiracies, but this is just good business from the NHL, there’s precedent for it, and I would absolutely do the same thing if I were them.

    You’re a big company and you open a new team in a new city without much culture for your product. You want to build hype and engender lifelong diehard supporters in your new market that will drive sales for years and decades to come.

    1993 Florida joins the league. Sets the record for most points in a season by an expansion team. Makes the cup finals two years later.

    1995 Colorado is a new market, wins the Stanley cup their first year.

    1996 Arizona is new market, they’re less successful but still make the playoffs their first four seasons in a row.

    2017 Vegas is a new expansion team in a new market – makes the cup finals with a roster most predicted would have them bottom of the league.

    Kraken took a year to ramp up but now in their second season they make the playoffs and knock off the defending champions. Watch them beat Dallas next round.

    I’m not saying the NHL is definitely cheating to favor new teams/markets to generate strong fan support and fervor and ongoing ticket/merch sales. I don’t have the data to support that and I’m not even sure I believe it’s true.

    But, if I were the boss of the league, which is not mega rich like the NFL, I would very likely try to do the same thing. How could you not? Does not help the league at all to have a new market with a sucky team that nobody can really latch onto.

  4. milehighrukus

    Makar shouldn’t have been suspended it was a clean check right in the shoulder. He was properly penalized for interference. Mcann got hurt and that’s why the league had an issue.

    Eberle boarded cogliano, one of the most dangerous hits in the NHL. He could have killed or paralyzed the man….but Cogliano played so there was no punishment.

    The DPOS is an absolute joke.

  5. yumenohikari

    Or maybe the team just got beat. This conspiracy theory shit is embarrassing.

  6. Rogue100

    It was a disgrace for sure that Eberle was in the lineup for game 7, but that isn’t why we lost the game or the series.

  7. JoeCorsonStageDeli

    Good God, enough with the whining about the refs/calls/no calls…….thats hockey! Sometimes you get the calls sometimes you dont. Its not a consipiracy. They got outplayed. Period. End of story. Everything was off this season from the moment Kadri signed with Calgary and they thought Newhook could replace his production.

    You REALLY want to know what one of the major issues is with this team, and will continue to be moving foward? When they lost Kadri, Burky, Landy, etc…..who stepped up in their place? Answer: a bunch of guys who are really no more than minor league level players. Look at the Avs absymal drafting for the past, oh….5-10 years. Outside of their top ten draft picks, which they really shouldnt miss on…how many legitimate NHL players have they picked and developed?

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