@New Jersey Devils

Trying to get some good vibes for tonight… here is my most recent LEGO design effort…

Trying to get some good vibes for tonight… here is my most recent LEGO design effort…

by lucidrevolution


  1. lucidrevolution

    approx 10-12hrs of work so far… still doing some minor finishing… might get a chunk of acrylic and make this into a table.

  2. Dustmopper

    Really cool textures, great work!

    Get some self-leveling epoxy and seal that up forever

  3. MartysBetter29

    Woaah that is so f’ing cool. Do you use a program or just do it by eye?

  4. UntilWeLand

    This is extremely relevant to my interests.

    Can you share at all how you went about this? Overall process and how you acquire the right loose pieces for something like this?

  5. teslaVii

    I was looking at doing a stud version. Just haven’t had the time yet to clean up the pixel output from online

  6. -no-one-important-

    LEtsGo Devils!!

    Okay I’ll see myself out

  7. iamwilliamwit

    I came into enemy territory to read up on Akira, and found this instead. Dude… this is amazing!!

    You should share this on /r/LEGO

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