@Vegas Golden Knights

Roam’s Rant (Volume 1) – Robin Lehner Takes Cheap Shot At Sabres

Hey folks, in this video I give thoughts on Robin Lehner’s comments directed at the Sabres franchise..thanks for watching šŸ™‚šŸ‘


  1. He was whining about the commish when the Covid came about ya he's a complainer

  2. That 1st rounder we exchanged for Lehner, who was it and how are they doing ? Really wish we could go back and never make that trade for that loser Lehner. It's a good rant Wayne šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ’

  3. Lehner has never performed under pressure. Wait till this upcoming season. Vegas locked him up to be #1, though hasnt been "the guy" since he was in Buffalo. I cant wait to watch him lose his cool and nearly every shootout this year.

  4. Off topic- I am absolutley sick of hearing how Adams is losing leverage on Eichel. I dont care if Jack doesnt want to play for Buffalo. Hes under contract. He can sit out the year. Just to shut everyone up and show that Buffalo means business. Why did Buffalo become the land of the whiners? Holy cow.

  5. My brother worked for him and he cheated my brother out of $12,000. It ruined my Brothers credit. Fuck Robin

  6. Itā€™s clear that Lehner is still not well . He is full of anger , blames all his problems to others , has not taken responsibility for all that he has gone thru .he sounds like a ticking time bomb . Letā€™s hope he gets help !

  7. Wayne you know how it is and you can recognize patterns in how Lehner is carrying himself. I Remember when he took time away to deal with a Problem that wasnā€™t revealed and he Thanked the Buffalo organization,specifically I Believe Botterill for Getting him the help he needed and how The Pegulaā€™s were very supportive. Why didnā€™t he mention that ? Sounds like heā€™s a Time Bomb waiting to Explode. Taking hockey out of it, the human aspect of it,I do wish he would get Psychiatric help and Soon !! On a Funny note, My wife was in the back room and kept hearing all those Beeps and said ā€œ Is there a weather warning going out David ? ā€œ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  8. He's also complaining that he is underpaid. I Rememberd that he was once pegged a future Franchise Goalie when Ottawa drafted him.

  9. ā€œPeople trying to kick us when weā€™re downā€. Totally agree. It was the same thing with the Bills. Not anymore. The Sabres will rise again! Someday.

  10. Thank you for the rant. People in my life could not understand why I was rooting so hard against Vegas in the Playoffs. I can't stand Lehner. Garbage! Keep up the good work.

  11. Lehner comments about everything
    In the last week days
    His contract compared to what markstrom and bobrovsky are getting
    Evander Kane and everything going on there
    Eichel and his injuries
    His ankle injury from 2015

  12. I love listening to millionaires complain they aren't making enough money. I barely make enough to scratch by.

  13. I wouldn't believe a word Lehner says. The guy was a nutjob then and probably still is. You said it all perfectly Wayne. Let's see if any other players come out about this. My guess is they won't.

  14. Agree 100% with your view/take. This guy was so thankful and happy for the Sabres franchise during his exit presser and felt forever indebted to how we handled him .I feel for him only because he can't control his emotions on basic matters. LMFAOOOO one cup in 82 years and borrow the OILERS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  15. I am not going to dis on Lehner more. His past speaks for itself and I do hope he gets the help he needs. What he said is not something we didnt already know though. The Pegulas got their hands too much into Hockey Ops and screwed the team up. They forced the ROR trade, they traded for Kane, they fired GMS and Coaches, hired other GMs and coaches that sucked. That is because they thought they knew how to deal with shit. I do think the Pegulas made the right choice by hiring Adams though. I hope they continue to keep their hands off Hockey ops and just sit there looking like owners.

  16. I sprained ligaments in my right ankle at a job over 20 years ago. Was given some prescription strength ibuprofen & was back to work in a few days. I used to work out a lot with my one friend who was all muscle. 300 lb leg presses is easy & I totally agree with you on that Wayne. Lehner who?

  17. Was just in Buffalo and the word on the street is Jack has other issues. It's not being talked about in the media, have you heard it too.

  18. Sorry, one more thing you get paid to do a job, do it!!! In my line of work you don't perform you get fired, no contract, so good bye. New York is a right to work State. Your employer can get rid of you at any time!! These guys should be thankful.

  19. Wayne, I love the energy. Love the 12 step insight and I think your spot on. My dad said the same thing- Vegas will regret this.

  20. In todayā€™s world of negativity, being complainful, not taking responsibility (pointing finger) and being ungrateful gets encouraged by most, and the media thrives on keeping people engaged by any means necessary. Donā€™t get me wrong, God knows Buffalo Sabres made their mistakes, more than most organizations (& thatā€™s why theyā€™re in depressed situation, you donā€™t get up one day and be this bad, itā€™s years in make and implementing bad decisions), whether because of the owners consistent interference (look at Dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones) or letting players like Jack Eichel giving power to make decisions which ultimately got Dan Bylsma fired, but, because of these sequentially bad decisions, Sabres got themselves in a dumpster fire situation, it gives Lehner and other former players and front office personals, who by the way were in Sabres Organization in the last 7-8 years, more reasons to kick Sabres while they already down. Youā€™re NOT going to hear these types of comments from Drury, Miller, Campbell, Goose, Vanek and others from the time when Sabres were kicking butts all over North America, teams like Lightning, Blues and LA couldnā€™t even win when several Sabres players were out due to injury and flu, scoring double digit score was a norm every two weeks or so (Everything in life is cyclical) The point is, talking trash is abnormal but thanks to 700 plus satellite talk-radio shows, TV and social media this psychotic abnormality is part of the norm in todayā€™s society, in fact you would be considered abnormal if you donā€™t complain or trash talk or be ungrateful. And, oh by the way, both Dan Bylsma and Jason Botterell are with Seattle Kraken now and in their profile there is no mention of Sabres at all. Especially no mention of Botterell hiring Kruger, based solely on personal family connections and basically starting the dumpster fire, which was somewhat put out by Granato.

  21. February 16, 2008 is my date. You can never be too dumb for AA, but you can be too smart. Lehner obviously thinks he knows it all. Heā€™s setting himself up for the fall.

  22. I guess knowing what a puck looks like is a now a pre-requisite for a sports medicine degree.

  23. It's truly depressing to be a sabres fan. Pegula has turned our franchise into a joke. It's going to take another decade just to get a sliver of respect back from the rest of the league. Can we the fans fire the owners? I'm so sick of this mediocrity.

  24. Cheers for reminding people what a real hero is.
    Lehner's replaced wine with WHINE I guess

  25. I don't sweat this kind of nonsense. In a decade Lehner and Eichel wilbe answers in trivia quizzes. The Sabres will still be filling arena's. (When they can) As a wise man once told me "Opinions are like a#*eholes, everyone's got one." šŸ˜Š Everyone can have issues (I have) but we mature by fault one day at a time. This just sounds like sour grapes a long time after the event.

  26. I remember feeling this even from when he talked smack with the Islanders. Its fine but at least take some of your own blame. Why didnt he ever mention that he wasnt good enough or make a save in a shootout. They gave up a high pick for him and were the team who gave him his real shot. Lets in his first shot and then gets hurt. Wayne i legit see your channel as a breath of fresh air. I dont see it as brave myself. Getting help and not using is great but to go around bash around others isnt.

  27. Love your channel I just think you are completely wrong on this video. I know lehner personally and you are wrong and he has just as much business in eichels injury as you and I do. Lehner came out and told the truth about how much of a shit show our organization was. The medical staff could have been bad you have no idea what he was going thru. You also have no idea about his problems like you really need to think about this video and go back and see how he was actually treated here. All he is doing is telling the truth and speaking how he feels about the shit show of an organization we had when he was here and heā€™s not wrong at all. Also there is no need to put someone down while they already are on the ground. I just think you should think about the video because after playing for this bad of a team with this bad of an ownership I would be mad also. I also think you are being a hypocrite as you are kicking someone while they are down and being very disrespectful to him as a person in this video just because you donā€™t like him. If he was good here there would be no conversations you are just mad and hate him for how he played here

  28. How about Jack to the Rangers for Mika Zibenajad, a first 2022 pick and another pice. Then Mika Zibenajad goes to Vegas for a first 2022 pick and maybe a piece.

  29. God bless you, brother. Your rant was well said. You don't kick a dog with a broken leg. And if you're broken, you definitely don't want to kick the dog. You'll only hurt yourself. And don't throw pucks if you can't save them.

  30. Thank you so much for this did the job Buffalo media wonā€™t do, which is call out Lehner for his BS

  31. Lehner speaks his mind: omg how brave so empowering!! Tony DeAngelo speaks his mind: ong I donā€™t agree with his opinion cancel him immediately!!

  32. This was a deep and fairly intense episode. I don't agree with everything you say but you, for sure, are onto something. Tell you that for free.

  33. Good stuff buddy im with you never liked lehner from day one …i liked this video and the rants bottom line stop taking cheap shots at us when were down cause we sabre fans have pride and stand up for our sabres and fans good stuff wayne !

  34. Always liked Lehner – he may be polarizing figure, however I like the fact he doesn't give a one solitary crap of how or if people will agree or disagree with him.
    Liked him as a Sabre – he got a great numbers behind atrocious defense and people who are arguing about his SO record should remain silent because they don't know a lick about goaltending.
    Just look at his advanced numbers.

  35. Omg I just heard Carlo Colliacovo on the radio telling a story about Lehner digging up snakes from the ground at Mark Stones backyard. Apparently, he has a fascination with snakes lol. Stone said he had 4 snakes in his pool lol. Even Cam Jansen called him looney toons.

  36. Wow! Wayne this is one of the greatest videos ever! There is so much greater depth to you than just hockey and the Sabres. I hope you share your wisdom and experience on more topics in the future. Once again great job!

  37. Coming back to this video because everything that was said came true this season with Vegas. I work in the mental health field and I see right through Lehnerā€™s frontā€¦thereā€™s a lot of resentment and pain in his heart.

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