@Colorado Avalanche

Jordan Eberle boarding on Andrew Cogliano – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Jordan Eberle took Andrew Cogliano dangerously into the boards. It was only called two minutes, never reviewed for a major, and not looked at by Player Safety.


  1. I called a broken neck on this play… super dangerous. Can’t see head don’t hit.

  2. That hit was gross. One of the direst hits you will ever see. No player should be allowed to hit someone from behind between the numbers.

  3. Cale Makar suspended because the refs didn't blow the whistle. No suspension for a guy who breaks Andrew Cogliano's neck! Fcuk you, NHL!

  4. Bunch of little faiy girls in these comments, thats called a check……wasnt the defenders fault, it wad coglianos fault for the turn right before the hit

  5. I have no dog in the fight so this is an objective view.
    That is a totally blown calls by the referees. That’s boarding and a major penalty for sure with the possibility of a suspension on top of it.

  6. Players need to protect themselves…..sick of guys turning their back expecting not to get hit. Eberle is not a dirty player, that’s why there was no suspension, love Cogliano, hope he makes a quick recovery

  7. Lol, Avs fans complaining about dirty hits after Kadri ran into Binnington taking him out of the playoffs just last year 😂😂😂 fukouttaherrre 😂😂😂 Avs are ALWAYS the dirtiest team: Claude Lemieux, Nazem Kadri.. you have no ground to stand on.

  8. If they're going to suspend for that hit, then might as well take hitting out of the game like the NFL, boarding is a ridiculous rule anyhow

  9. Ah, damn. I predicted the NHL would give him one or two games, and Tough Call would ask for 8. But after looking at this analysis, I think I understand why I overestimated, and why there was no suspension.

  10. Doesn’t look intentional at all, by the time he was throwing the hit the idiot did a 180 to make the pass exposing himself head first into the boards, if he never turned the hit would’ve been very mild but solid

  11. The reason this deserves a suspension is Cogs not only had his back turned, but had his head down. This very easily could have been career ending (still might be) or even fatal

  12. Karma a B*tch. You reap what you sow. Taking out Kevin Fiala and a cheapshot on Adrian Kempe. Clean hit all the way. Eberle is a hero. 🤣

  13. How does Bunting get 3 games for his and this isn't even 1? This is way way way more dangerous and equally as intentional.

  14. Eberle broke Cogliano's neck by hitting his numbers right into the boards! How the heck is this not a lengthy suspension?!?!!??!?! I know the NHL wanted Seattle to win this series, but COME ON!!!

  15. That's hockey, seen worse hits in just about every game. Sorry that Cogliano is hurt but every player takes the chance of injury when they step on the ice. For you people that are crying or complaining, you either do not understand the game or you should watch Frisbee golf or the fishing channel.

  16. Look this is a tough call. Cogliano PUT A HIMSELF IN A REALLY BAD spot. Tucking his head down and putting his back to Eberle. UNLIKE the McCann play where Cheap shot Makar AFTER THE WHISTLE bounced McCanns head of the glass TWICE. I don't think Eberle should be suspended. By the time Cogliano got the puck and put himself in a bad spot. You could SEE CLEARLY Eberle was trying to turn and or stop. But you don't stop on a dime on the ice. No matter what you guys think the two plays are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. Should Eberle have gotten a penalty YES ABSOLUTELY YES. But Makar should have been ejected for what he did. It was 100% obvious he was out to hurt McCann which is EXACTLY what he did. But nevertheless the Kraken win and Colorado can join Boston in the Bleachers

  17. Makes no sense that you keep mentioning him being put into the boards. This happens at least 10 times every game. It is a hockey play. The puck is right there. It's unfortunate he got hurt but that's hockey. Also, Cogliano played 7 shifts after this hit. You want a suspension? Start with the Avs coaching staff. Some BS right there.

  18. Here's how this is not a suspension: As opposed to Makar's hit on Jared McCann, Cogliano was IN POSSESSION OF THE PUCK. Whereas McCann was THIRTY FEET FROM IT. ENOUGH disingenuous bullshit. The call was correct and no suspension was appropriate. Learn some fuggen hockey.

  19. I see…all you Avs homers just decided that Makar's hit on McCann didn't matter. How typical of the nation's most entitled fan base. WE STILL don't know when – or IF – McCann will play again. The team and league have given ZERO status updates on McCann, which usually indicates patient confidentiality issues attached to SERIOUS injuries. Yeah, Eberle's hit WAS illegal and he got the appropriate penalty, as THE FUGGEN PUCK WAS IN COGLAINO'S POSSESSION. McCann was thirty feet away from the puck, which was IN THE STANDS. The league said, “Makar finishes this hit well outside the allowable window for finishing a check. In addition, it is clear that Makar knows McCann is not in possession of the puck when he decides to deliver this hit.” So STFU with the faux outrage. If your guys are going to deliver obviously dirty hits, our guys can hit your guy, too. God, do you all have to be dicks ALL the time?

  20. Funny how cale gets suspended but this goes unnoticed, unreviewed. Isn't this the exact scenario they claim they are trying to prevent? Might be done watching hockey after this. Pretty obvious that the NHL has hidden motives when they pretend like this didn't happen.

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