@Los Angeles Kings

Drew Doughty kneeing on Connor McDavid – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Drew Doughty was going to miss his check so he reached out with both his upper and lower body, extending his leg into Connor McDavid’s. this could have been a lot worse than it was.


  1. At first i thought this was a clean hit but now i think your right it looks like he hits his knee first.

  2. The only caveat I might toss into the discussion is that the wide-legged stance might be an adjustment he instinctively used so that he would have more lateral range to help deal with the shiftiness of McDavid. It's a bit of a stretch, I know.

  3. McDavid doesn’t do anything to protect himself. See the Giordano hit from years ago. Nothing game, why race around? Same here, ripping around, McDavid effed up.

  4. Doughty is a piece of work lol but of course he is trying to take McDavid out. It would benefit his team.

  5. lol this isnt an attempt to injure. He came in with a wide stance. He didnt extend his leg, he extended his body. Come on buddy, you oil fans are so delusional

  6. The upper leg of both players make contact simultaneously with the elbow and shoulders, Mcdavid falls backwards as doughty drives both hands and stick through mcdavid. Any impact on the knee would be mitigated by the even distribution of force from shoulder to leg. It is not a slewfoot. Doughtys initial point of contact is on the left arm of McDavid (as you mentioned) This is not an illegal hit.

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