@New Jersey Devils

Maybe one of the best parts of last nights game for Playoff Palat

Maybe one of the best parts of last nights game for Playoff Palat

by jrosy26


  1. NJDevils1

    Hm I recall at least one other memorable palat moment from last night

  2. CalvinIsMyDog

    The boys have bought in. Could be a special run

  3. xxfatpigxx

    Everyone on the bench laughing at him 😂

  4. kudar_mubat

    I would run through a brick god damn wall for the boys rn

  5. DaMonstaburg

    Palat was not raised with an understanding of the ‘back down’. He’s a fighter. Whole squad is.

  6. Icy-Arm-6044

    That shove at the end makes me snort laugh every time I see it

  7. There’s something extra special about watching the guys on the bench just having a good time. I remember they cut to Haula at one point in game 5 and he was just giggling. It’s such a nice energy around the team.

  8. therangoonkid

    2 days isnt enough to bask in the glory of this series

  9. BrodeurCinemaClub

    I absolutely love Marino basically picking him up at first, and then the surprisingly strong shove to the bench at the end. I was crying laughing last night

  10. jessejames182

    Damn, didn’t show it on the ESPN feed. That’s hilarious and awesome.

  11. TheJerkInPod6

    I love the smiles and the laughter. That message of “have fun” sounds cliche but it really wasn’t. They bought in!

  12. Ok-Can-7995

    Bro made up for those penalties from game 6. Granted that second penalty was absolute bullshit. He more than made up for the one actual penalty.

  13. JerseyDev93

    The smiles on those 3 is the best part of that clip

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