@Carolina Hurricanes

Pulock boarding on Drury – Have your say!

This hit by Ryan Pulock on Jack Drury was originally called a major penalty for boarding, and after review it was reduced to a minor penalty. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Situation that the various rules for boarding were made for. Watching live it looked like a horrible shot from behind. 5+ … review, shows Drury putting himself in a more vulnerable position with a late turn to face the boards, but when Pulock committed to the hit Drury without the turn still would have been close enough to the boards that Pulock would have driven him into the boards hard, risking injury. Pulock check was not a "normal check in the corner", with or without the turn from Drury. A good reduction on review that's still a penalty.

  2. It's definitely boarding but the rules for hit from behind account for Drury turning his back to Pulock I think 2 mins is the right call, very unfortunate result

  3. Immediately before being hit Drury puts himself in a defenseless position, which to me means that this shouldn't even be a penalty.

  4. Oooofffff. Textbook boarding. Under Shanahan it would be a suspension. This DoPS and in the playoffs? Who knows. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  5. This isn’t a penalty. They are skating side by side. Pulock clearly goes for the hit, shoulder to shoulder, drift turns at literally the last second, Pulock is committed.

    Players have a responsibility to protect themselves. This isn’t boarding. He never targeted the numbers. Drury skates straight this is a hockey hit that happened 100 times a game.

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