@Colorado Avalanche

Found a photo album going through some old stuff, and came across ones from Game 7 of my 13” TV after we won. I had forgotten to record it and wanted a memento, and used the rest of a disposable camera lying around to capture it. Great memories

Found a photo album going through some old stuff, and came across ones from Game 7 of my 13” TV after we won. I had forgotten to record it and wanted a memento, and used the rest of a disposable camera lying around to capture it. Great memories

by totaleeawesome


  1. ThatOneWeirdName

    Pictures are ubiquitous now, it’s great on the one hand but rarely will they have the significance that those old ones will bring, what a lovely memory

  2. BR1N3DM1ND

    I absolutely fucking love this. It’s precisely the thing that 15yo me would’ve done in 96

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