@New York Rangers

Congrats, Rangers! (2023)

I felt like I half-assed this video, yet I still put more effort into this than the Rangers did after game two. That was pretty pathetic, not going to lie.


  1. Every morning I count my blessings that my team wasn’t awarded the 1st overall pick for the 2020 draft (because we would’ve wasted it on Laffy)

  2. As a Ranger’s fan, I admit we deserved this for choking. But at least we aren’t the Bruins

  3. One more team to lose and the derp song will represent New York Major Leagues Sports perfectly

  4. That's how Panaren was with the Blackhawks! Great in the regular season, disappeared in the postseason.

  5. Ah yes, my fav NHL team. Unfortunately, the trainwreck came from Secaucus Junction instead of NY Penn after the Rangers lost in a game 7.

  6. Im not even a fan and i saw something my expectations could not believe. This was the opportunity of a life time! What the f happened

  7. As a Rangers fan, I fucking hate this team, all the roster shuffling for Kane was for nothing, outscoring a team 10-2 and then losing game 3 in OT after being up in the game was fucking disgusting, this video is deserved. If Shesty demands a trade I wouldn't be surprised fuck this team, fuck the coaching, fuck the front fucking offense, fuck everything about it.

  8. I’m from vancouver and i thought i’d cheer for the rangers this year cos new york is a lit city but i guess i just can’t have fun watching hockey

  9. I knew the Rangers were flawed but they had been spending the last two years getting bailed out by talent and goaltending, so I figured they could do it against the Devils; now I get that the Devils have incredible underlying numbers but I felt there goaltending and playoff inexperience was big enough that the Rangers would win in 7. Evidently Akira Schmid does not care for such mortal concerns.

  10. What else is new, they let Henrik….oh I mean they let Igor die in net. Deja vu babyyyyy.

  11. The nhl playoffs are such a coin flip. A lot of games are decided by puck luck
    Im not as big of a fan as I used to be. From 1968 to 1989 only 4 teams won the cup Montreal Boston flyers ny islanders and edmontom
    All great teams with many hofers. Those were the good old days

  12. Let’s go Devils! Finally relevant again! I haven’t seen success for my state’s sports team in far too long. Fuck the Rangers. I know too many friends who have to eat shit after saying cup or bust this year…

  13. love it, rangers acted like they were going to have a dynasty after 1 series comeback against a third string goalie in the first round last year. 1 cup in 80 years rangers are losers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Hopefully the rangers decide to move laffy and kakko. If they do I hope the Canucks make a move for them.

  15. This needed more Sad Baldy. One of the few times i can gloat in his sadness as a Giants/Devils fan

  16. The Rangers suck. One cup in 84 years. Once again, they tried to buy a re-build and fell on their face. Their obnoxious fans need to shut the f*ck up and watch how real franchises do it.

  17. I don't know why this was a shock to anyone; the Rangers showed all these symptoms during the regular season. Anyone who followed Vegas the first few years knows the considerable limitations of Gallant and they were blatantly short on the playoff type hustle and grit even during the regular season when they went with the Dubas model of all skill no grit with Kane, Panarin and Tarasenko.

  18. One Cup in 83 years.
    It can easily become one in 100 years and beyond.
    This ice hockey business is just too difficult for the NY Rangers. 🤷‍♂️😒

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