@St. Louis Blues

Body Shot Challenge – D’Amato Shifts and Shoots

🔽Buy my Peek A Boo Fundamental’s Course Here🔽

Boxing Technique and Training Peek-A-Boo Style with Logan Brown

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  1. С такой скоростью и муху уже не убить 🙂

  2. I love when people try to imitate Mike Tyson but don’t know how to cover their face all that swinging with no protection

  3. I don’t understand why some people are hating and saying he think he Tyson or it’s easy fighting someone not fighting back, like dude is just showing us the style and trying to get better himself, he pretty good for his size and age though but would like to see some sparring too

  4. For some of y’all saying he would of got hit while throwing these punches and that he don’t know what he’s doing let’s be real the average dude wouldn’t be able to take most of these hits if they landed anyways, and dude is just trying too improve this boxing style he never claimed he was perfect m,he just showing the style he is better than most his age

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